European nation, it must peculiarly be so to Great BrL
.ijS lu taih*>'; because, beside the opening it would makd'fof the
sale Of its own manufacture^ among the people of the
country the British' possessiohs'in Hindostan would be
sure-of a very considerable demand from thence for their
: After about a fortnights stay in Turon harbour* preparations
were made by the squadron for their departure.
^h& moftsGon was new ^become steadyiaitd favourable
for a quick'passage to the coast ofC'hina. The invalids
from the Lion, who had been ashore,rfwerei^returned
aboard im better ^health, and the ship washed; «from a?li
tfafees ofhny3cc)ntagioxis distemper. One loss; however,
Was sustained about this time, which was sincerely- regretted
by the passengers and efew. Mr. Tdthid^pwrser
of the Lion, was obliged,-whilt she lay at Batavia to 'gn
frequently ashore,-for the purpose of procuringpiby itiims
and other necessaries for the ship’s use. Oh these! dc4-
casions !|fiP underwent much fatigue, and wss ofteftesr-
posed’to the sun’s raging heat.' f ie had afterwards «seme
gduty domplaints, and considered his late indisposition
as a continuanceof them. The symptoms did not appear
alarming#? nor was he confined to his :bed~; and he
thought himself, latterly, as in a mercantile phrase he
* bkpTessed it, a thousand per cent. better .than he had beent
the same night he died. Mr. Tothill had formerly been
round the world with Sir Erasmus Gower, and chose id
aVccnipafe^hisvfrien'd»upon - the pTesenteoGcasioh; tho
he.had^quitted a-feea-faringdlfeVsefeesal^rbars before.:’; ■
■ ' Aboue thisoperiod a. 4®chmktaAeg$L'df - another kind,
created somg’ifiernp^ar.^.mneSiiriess. MraJfajckison, master
of the Lion;.-who was', during the1 Wboielvoyagejiassidu-
otis imobVervin'gtte^S©i^,'an'd.'makmg other-nautical
reinai k s, l cXpd&ia'l'U in planes« liftirloiia\.iga(cdf before dry
EuTopeahs|f:iact'gd'lleu]30ni^silmiIar pursuit imanftof the
s“Msi^^sBt®alts, along'fih^fasternlsl^pC’of the peninsula« of
Tturom ‘ He* did- notretera at night a’s ^wa^Fexspected;
nonivu^csan) tidingl&had'ol lum (lie next da*"vY-i Ins Iiknds !
^i@|hatuaalsly.-ala?rmed; about hifo^ldexmightT hars^efipe^
rished. in coOSipqu’ericeidfiiatsudd ed;ss,quall having'overset
thel^h^r-iT'hJVariodst'aec’ohints l|jj| the «treacheries:: and
cruelties', whicb ’ hadvHeenvebmmkt’ed again-st? strangers
ori thistcoast,' recurred 'to the? mind dpoTi^thisjiodeasidn';
and it] was 'possible arise., that! an.discussiidn might? take
place* upon'the .subject with the abliragogovci liment of
tHefecountryWhich might b^eOTons^afitir« unpleasant
A-irsWdiar sodh r#at?hed the ship that, Mr. Jacfesefi^hiS
headland flcrewjiiad been stizedvand' detaihdehata- distance
frdmvTuron; and rsotoriaftex wards' it* was acktoow*
ledgediby a Gochin-chiAeSKimahdarjnef 'who-Gime*on
board,"that- some' foreigners weredhtected and stopped*
im-the attempt of f penetrating*,- in'thei night time? up one
hfeth^i rivers, in an unwailra®table|'l«(r§;atd‘e^st,; ih a suspicious
manner. - On theifeb^ngvelaimedby the Em>