java. to tke'-^gaisid®/. His Bantafoesema^estyis. alfoweabhow-
’ Mctaintaiffl. native troops j and-HaSi^sexal
small armed vessels, by meansfofwhuefcke mairataiaasmn-
thbrity over some part of the.southoii Sumatra. oHis; .subjects
are- obliged to-iSell to him all .the pepper they! raise in
eitherisla-nd, safest low price,:; which lie is «rider «contract
ivscithuutHe J^«tefaloaleliyerto, small advance, and
much under the isarkfetable y«diBeLfofittfeal5m©miiaddit^
The i present! king. vjoims tiffspiritualstosfkehtemperajl
posher, and ish jgh priest .of khea religions ah Mahomet;
-with-which he: iningl^,bindeedv someieif the rites; and
superstitions of the aboriginaldnhabitainitfrofJava ;* ador--
ingj sfor instance, theigreat -banyan,.; or:* Indianofigi tree^
which; as likewise dielcl safer^diMni'IHindostaBii and under
which •rcliginhis.Titds. mi g h t b e co n veni entl y p er for me d
in like-manner as all ifl&ifcs afstate-are actually-transacted
by the Bantamese,.under some «badbwing tree, by moonlight.
Upon: application -to ■ his::m^estiy,' thraugfethe
■Datcifl ihtdR* herUminediately Ldispateheff :twov-of his
armed vessels to - Sumatra,- with nrde'rs tor search for the
perpetrators -nf Ahe murder lately <mihmitted there paihd
sbnie time afterithe:.shipsl had deft1 thisi mMghhouthbod,
intelMg^lcefwasi rece2yed> :that one o f the y ilty . persons
■was idiscctered and .ixeefffdia. Ji
In. Niahobs b i^ - wafsaa: convenient »ivtilet tfonwater-
ing ; ancl :ati a Jattie. .distance| frani the - shore' a village,
where buffaloes, <. poultry,; fruit, s and other vegetables
w/erpit^l^puE&te^^fc'aifeasonabtenrafie. f^Fresh provisions
'wereeservgdodaily >g$. the Jaon^>t $6®w 5 • «tire decks I
andhbeamsiwashed with£vi«egar>voaj}d;asa allbw&nceiof it
given tot» t@ afo the »ship ;> and:the
ventiktoi:srikepfii<e<instantl^'jat work. • ?I^iwas/likewise
found. iad va nt agftdusrfoj' setidithe jj invalidsand ieoii Ablest
dayt}i~thej sa wh mwas-dbne-i at fiAngerehrpoiotysflfeBareth to
the southward of point JSIfofefesnw here Abe Dutch’ had
a smaff batfery o f fosurgurfs, '^ ^ ^M a l^ villago/1 Here
i^d%dfwas foahuf^tufed^fipiW'(the;»feah "growing in the
neighbourhood»! - A bar. at' the»m©utWofithe wvebatlAm
geseotpseyettfeithfi fifesflhni ofdyc’tjirneflifej and thefoeiof
t h e - i rid i go. Vats’,l thrown, infeoiit}. h i u s t affects'itsigood 'qba-t
lilies ; iwhichht»fchmstanp©Si rondemt SrfCTfofl*aaFWa*i
1 Thejfowf^tiordef' ofothe» pebplei ion the‘coas§fdid not
appeai toffee' obliged -jto.iperpetuaL labour, ffoitth'e rnere
presfehvation>ofi tKeir. existence 3» bnilhadbleikurAsmeaniSjf
a n^dtsposation’fonamusements-:of different kinds'.) Dne
ofofhpi Mal^fenteftainments.* consist^ iih the: ffispfe^ttf
th®a?-ari®uhaittilJiides andpostuBesiofithe; same aetbB-under
differentmiasksaBy d in t^ e wfcforis anff of Iongpihciic^
he had aoyAred^ricfcA power over t]&ekisribr niri&iefe&df
MshodyhMi'Mg^B B§ eachvam Independent afolun.tan.-y