“ -sado#, and in all prob^bilifcy^taffaGeompany hfe Ex*-
3do@ft@ft.iby'to -court;” It w&si supposeththat rffeyb visas-
i ntendedito-siWelasi i interpr-e terras* well- astlh^se-aiotfol'
any; * good^i whifeteamight sk<^s&nt&!>with Embassa-
dergfor»tsal6i;kbut the! commisaioner-SMbeing ■6£;topsrnion
that, “ the great conceite, which those Merchants
¥ with the JGdmpany^-inigbt be^materially imgiBredisby
“ theiitabsehag^|.petitic(BLed the .governmerit -pot itoi-re-*.
moves them from their business?: sadcMug^iithat the-Ern-
‘ i bassador *was<akeady isufficientlyiprovided^witfeantea^
“.preteas/and that the."Company^hadt§grnti no*,goodsffiar
“ •sale inrtheaship which attendedthe?Emba$^j;asishe
“• was chiefly laden with the prese*sts-.for;the Emperor/’
These-merchfents,.indeed, beside;being bufitvg®^ imipdipY
fectlyi qualifieds-*dntef prefers, wereshaa^fetf^fhsra»by
the.connection, as it now. stood, iwith^foTei^nefesat^©^®-
ton«4o‘ be i fond of furthering»-« cmeasure.-tfiorA?wh©hGe-
they might api^^eiidm change^ and*' omthejraone
cotfMy Jhhy mii^tr^pg^^ki in anysintrigaeiagai^ihhitat
Pekin... It happened lifcewise;ithahthe^cmrnfeyj^hte(!
fekne-, ivvo:uId have beeni attended with considerable}; injury.;
to their priy ate -affairs. They.aided,»Therefore, the
petit»m.?presenfed in fcheayffivourpby:ilo«iis#^ide5p b ^
presents.! to» some of the officersi iofi the/governmentiof
Canton -y ii®dftiteyi#eEerexcused frbm leaving.home.
On- occasiomof former embassies,:one of the missionaries
dependent on; the palace had been sometimes |sent
f^m<then^e|t#-ihd^h^lEffibasAds;^&id'Mtetidhim to Eadrone
coiarh^hhte cha®i^#)i#%-ltlgm^With l&peet’to them, ~
in* Fran ce> and
iri^^^itmen-t^WerelSed^il^edl. a® Pekin, the^dtea'ddest
'Ibe^pSa'ciplefe’sho'uld findThliT^W^^iWIo^W^We, had
<$i@8§ioned ptedautibris (to!:hewheh^pfei.st thbi® ifntrofdfii^
: with redoyMe'd 'vi'^lan^H^d' thd mis^
sifehlS^^vs^tesdived inJ\©hi#^*ah!drf^iii^ast asferono-
,mdrsJandJ'aftists,-^Q^tS^Pgetl^m%t|bd capital, their' corres-
^h®e¥er1 pak^itf JtorbpC1 was<diencey’
’«^^v^aifd". ihtefcpptiidyin/ @,rdhp®examined p< and tltd
tadls®©©htefe-cShld 'g'feat’ert'hhtrot hS't-he fe¥©lutibri1
and >subl§ei5|tientr anarchy, in thh$6<tfefei df which^
indh&d§ th t e funds,. irtiFrffi'lp^tffSfti ,When!@#Clti.|iafll^
had^^re'gtildtly'riEliitt^'itd'thieihViWere. seizedTy the
democratic' mlfers? bf the^tatetpyefc* whre ithe-yg ndwy"in
"^f^i^degfreep miSPtrultSdhbys the jiSalbus- and ^ahtidus
- rhheit#of!ilhiha‘. *
The' preferMd$,feffibiie{l>fey on ^the?^tSSbhtfheea^ife®
oPeommunicatirlg^ith ‘ fbreigners,bwbfs?hathMhy|,giyen
by the Chihds^tbitieir ’ownSubfgcts. iflPldlM-tug'heze,
indeed, of the id!ependeh¥'Mttlefhhnt of M’adffi^ were, in
som§ ddgr'ee, ^nsidefe’d^in that Igfefe,* The intimate