”■ Iüê( öf1 ^y'icpnlidfifatóoa^beÊiifevtheüImperial ’ülinQiie,
f ‘ aboundèngi with;■wealèh-and f treb&tfrteof: ëvéry;kin3L
kiitlïtdë'} use., His. Britannic Majessplhnii
1 ‘ been, therefore, eaiefdi tmsdyct'^nlypsufeil' articles sas
SSln! Europe, and
“ formation to the cxsdted Bfötidiöf J$is liniperiatMajesty;
¥rt>r suehoother articles? dsimightf be f^i^e&call^MsaMi
VcU’femltitë&t’ and >spirfc:a(*ompkhyingïpresenfe|®oit the
V presents «themselves^ ater&httMybf
.“ vereigns.” -
'r Some of the afetfossW^edi^ribed in theiifeilowëng
manner; pj
■ The'lirst- and principal con<sistsofefl.'m»aöy spirts;
f ‘ which - -may. be used- distinctly!,' or bqficofnntectedvtor
^gëthëty- and ïêptbsèhtS': the uriiYersg,1 of \yhreh? 'the
® eSrfc; is - te t ;» I small ■ portrotii This eworfcxlfc the < ut*
‘‘'taopiëfifott-■ o f; ffisdronbrni^af':§eiënee>ïmdKme*haa^&rt
^Èombinedftègëthff^thêft Wasifbr’made in Eurlpej It
W shëWSmhdimitatös, withï^r^t'ó^fff^Sland withema-
<?,+thematicaliexactrfetis; the1 ssefe-al motions of tb®b&ffith,
- 'according 1 to ' thé - sy&tertr of Eurbpemi astronomers;
“ likewisethe ébeëritHe Or ifregular motions of.'the-rnoon
^?Jaff§Tiifd‘ it-- • ah'd lo f fhfe 'sun, r^ith the planets which
.-'surround it, WYvtl!l:as? tlfe particular system of the
“ planet,’ called by Europeans, Jupiter, which has four
* ‘ moons ^®ns|antl)^mfe^'i»ngSte^#'ii8,%s>Y^ll;aS belts, upbn
“ -'iti surface^ aild-alsO>Of th^^lMtet?SaMTh,Cwiithifs'ii'ng
moon® tliWftiiflfi ■sMj'tetfWj iuiVtlHu v!
<£;gndkoppositions of the^hbivenlv bbdteliljl Another p;u|j
indfcatfes- the mdnth, r&>$^J^ithe dayV*th$ ho%^ atid
“ minute^ atuhe-iimb of iri^p^eti|)ti|-' IMbbitoMfte^isMs I
‘^simple .lMfife^^on^MotiOn ,* rgsjfit vis 'complitMed • fand* I
“ wonderful' in' it^’e^il^ntorMoWan^sdf'jserfett^ie-
“ maintbeiiind in''Enrols. I$ i#bal9||a¥ellfo$&k^vq a
11 thousand lycps*; and will bo-lohgm*mmlumtnfe>6f^hdd
“®re^plM M^w-hich- the ^virtues ’*of liis’ kmpjliial- Majesty;!
‘"‘^aleylield income of‘th^r^ffloth%#patts'\0'feheSwObldy
• ‘ With this; mduliinG$]is dm<ne'(Uatcly*dbifn£( te'cl'^ri- j
“ other, o f a'curious andmke^lidJn^rnOtioh5, icwcbscrv-H
“ ingjufirlhcj and -be!ltei than had' lmmi.rlyJl*HuWd(>hc\J
distahtrmdiminrite • bodies bin the h%a4e^^®th!ey
“ really ALOve‘J,i®f‘thq-great‘ expah-se^theffe&h ,3d. w th I
O'j'obserJv^tions | demonstrating the^exiatetnels-' -with »whirl! j
“ tbose^motions are imitated in therniabhlho^b^ady^e-
V scribedy||®hose observations arebmadeymobhspf&bk^j
* ‘■* iifg > direct!^; at the- obj ec-ff’as1 inte'omtnoin ttpOScopbs/■ iilj
4 ‘ which tMe; powers, of sight ;are- mpr© Miitite^|i b'ut by*
“ perceiving, sidewaysVthdfefiebtfoh'oftmbh Abject upon
o mirrors, a^COydihg to a method invented*b'y-ra 'great
“ philosopherbaffe'd* JleWton, and i ' a h
“ -cellent. -astronOme^ Called^Merschel^(arid! who. both
“ have made siidh discOYeries!' in scicnceV as kMeSeWe