islands', 2
Passa« to O pposite 'to, and not far from, the cd'altbf Africa, Tenerifre.•
are seveM'tâ&tërs of islands, andof-rOcks, belMfs1 t'fio'se
mentioned id ‘thé preceding chapter, situated ' id differ
rent degrees 'of latitude, and ridS* enofà'gm^oSfml ®eo"h-
tinent to be, by theorists, supposed to have, at ‘a'vastly
remote period, been joined to itj and they^ma^siill per
considered-as appendages, *m some sort/ df-it."'1 =■’
The firsts cluster, which occurs in a sdutlieily5*c^uirse
- from Madeira, consists of little naore than rocks, elMd
the Salvages, and ’ are^carefully to be avoid^l^1 Within
one day’s farthéf sail, lie those islands whiclf&Te^'gé-
nerally understood to be what the artciehf^calred ' the
Fortunate Isles, from thé abundant productiveness of
the Soil, as well as the salubrity aiid delightfülhêsk' of
the climate. They have since changed that significant
appellation, fho without losing their good' qualMès; to
that of the Canary Islands ; and they now belong to the
crown of Spain.
Next to them in succession come, tho at a considerable
distance, the Cape Verde islands, so called from their
vftimfy tb %TCantmentM>; oap’e of that-name:; which cape
and Tsland^m%e%ubgfid|t»<'PortugalnttOne of.thpe is Sf.
,ixwhei^itaOcbBditfgitoH§ir Er^smds: Gower srdirec-
feidns forthejsaekallthMeiy she was% follow him.; and,
in-order to1 ■ alLowdiql^moreitime^t6f overtake him there,
as" well as’for the:purpose:o^p»focmj^l;wsu}ipfy ofrbhtter
wine for the seamen oftHe Lion, than Sir Erasmus^coiiid
' get :ih Madeira'at the contract* pric©; ihe determined* Id
touch, in hl;s wd£t^St J t :go^?it the tbwmOf Sahta Cruz
in the island, of Teneriffe^briemf the sCanaHfe s < . -
' The eUartser thith»eri>iwai^fe||),uth,y sometime's,-; and
d^ffrskutht^fy :" in -b h^ ^ rfctow ea th er,w a s rsen^
siM^OwingWarmer-; and' thet, pasferig-ers/and crews“,
time app^^hwg^Melwihfeer. months!
felt' as";if .winter wgr.ej ftyiiJgtifrqm dfiem'.^&e* winds,
whiglqhitheEto sineei the 'ships left England; as .well- as
tft^twfere variable, begM’gradually tor partake of that
steady rand uniform 'directiofofro’m M t e r a M , -which
denote, theoregnMr trade windsAvicoritfaryi te.-those
-whidh?are the! emblem ofix^fifes. 3Is
- Thejs effect ofkthdi*wind’s impulsion upon shipsdis
known to be meas;u£M^b))l the« simple cbntriyanccrdf a
thin, flat and: triangn:^i||i^e;e'if of % wood ,t w hichvconti-
nuing ^motionless j in M j p -• wherever a t. is. thrown;
whq&qe it is,oalfod' ad^fmarks.-dayithe Celerity mf the
ship’s receding^ftom it, how quackI?y she^il driven by
the wind. If algrfe’ater progress be-found to have been