southern island ; and Cap tainCook conforrofc to itfo at
pellation. :-J Most other Toglisfo; navigators; and partictn
laplyr MessrsnCox nand 4 Mortimer,; > reverse ? the rtatn^gi
calling |gjj££ Soilthmi«tto& Amsterdam, and the ntfoer f e
i Paul- That wMicb;is to the south; 4nd "to whiighk&m
Lion* w*as mow nearest, is Wgh land, but conSilferably
less so, thaa the< island - ©hTristan-- d’Aeunha. ■ It ap-
peared barren and destitute of treesi^‘ SmnMeds4ed frorn
many parts ©f it. - As the ship approachedrh^hlibfdf two
human ^S^ggfcfe8%!feWga6d^gi88By8lBiaBte8iaHBteB^KhBWaj^^MM§r
they immediately made^signals, - waving^ handferbhfof
tie<^<&a-,pole, held by onCof them in his h'MSds;Iin®ii
runmng atohg Aeacliff, as if endeavohiihg}*tdi%t^jp'up
with the ship : as; she moved forwards.J It wrashohjytl
turedi thkf th^4twap6rsnn^niight4)ei the
seme shipwreck upon this desert-coast randJa‘Strong
t^est w ^ ex#ited in their favour, sufficient fb€&efteihb
updnmt^ping for thett, ^Yeh^f ho intefltihtf
viously been taken to pay a visit to the pfece^lsiS*®
was deemedforfcunate, tha®Jtfee Lion should t e h n ^ th i
ih^fts of relieving two men from the wretchedhess^ they -
must feel- « in desolate a spot: T h e -sequef^dfothrs
work will, howeveri shew, that the Lionifoa^haVe
been probably theoccaSdn of prolongihgrheir detimfioii
in it. A boat was efuickly dispatched for theihb^s ^ e ll
as to sound for anchorage. The boat had scarcely left
the ship, when the two men; were^served to descend
From the cliff, towards .theabeach, and to prepare them- Wand®*
selves as.'df to swim off to «the boat. ,nBut this was: pre- = = =
yentedilby the violence, ofothe <■ surge j Which rendered
t^e efforts ofAhose meh. 'as : well asi®£ the boat to approach
Ito vthem, - utterly Jneffectual%.-at thatfomoment.
Ifher^ss^med, however; no dangeu^R sailing along, the
islands except at the, north -north-east, end, from whence
runs a low. srpckyireefoia part-of which was conspicuous
ahoye water, and a; paTtlidiscoVeraHdrby iseanwend,’
which grows upon, and, rises, from,"j-the- rocks ; the
whblei extent beingiabout half a-s mile.
aj.Whgn/the shiph eame abreast ofiihe extern side o f
the /island;.: a prodigious- indenture, in the' landr appear*
ed; somewhat an the form ©fra funnel or inydtedxone, at
the bottom of which was perceived a covey or large ba-
§pri o£,water, communicating by.a narroW^ahd shallow
openings with the sea. OpposkeYlto this: opening, the
Lion anchored in twenty-five fathoms water, about a
mile|^KBn ssbore, on a bottom off black sand arid mud.
Here, by w boat*fcnfor ihginto thehastUfoit waiperffictly
eafiyAgbgBt - on shore. As soon as the gentlemen from
di&Iddnilandbd, they were;recfiived, not only by the
twojimen they had >discovered on-dhe heights,' .but h y
thnee others who] were; tbeiroompanioris ■ and of whom
thejr ,ehiefti W-:sUperinte^ant, who wass jtti intelligeiit
and wmmunicativ^fienfchjnau, ofthemamifof’Eeifcon,
gaye the; followingc^coount. lie :$afe,; that two, beside