Batavia principal fort oncitadebofBatavia'. wal: situated close« tb
the beadh,. and a. dbftbl’e.rbfv' of pild »driven aijcomidefs
able- wsay$ perhaps a mile, I out into the> shallow .seayIftf
denote the safest passage to he. betwfeenthdm ; .whereat
nojwUhirei is laitdvaidf'.evem'aaow rfihon&is BmuneisidE}
to’ifie .very .extreinitylbf those piles iinThis incEeasfeiwa>s|
hqwedejv greatly.| assisted, i f . notrehieHyi.efBoted P >by
hnihan industry pelektetbin bankihgujp theearth flashed
froth .the.immntaiiis iby iiM^^^eK/svhlchsiki xriuefrvmpre
stfedpand rapid at its origin than where if efripties1 itself
into.tKfe sea; . ;
l:A circular. range of Mands^pfotettsithe riad'eif B afayia
frofiavahy keayyiswell,hiaads:.Eehderi iira safe ^ k t ^ f o f
ships, to. anetior m : arid.itis large ienotigh 10fcontdkt all
those.that double tfe4Ca^feof €fd®d‘Hope.) 'Hhe;>gteat
number-of Dutch Vessels lyipg.befpreithefcity»WasJalbhe
sufficieht- to annonncef it to be their pEineipal plate-1 of
trade, a8wedas.the seat o f theinehief governmentin Asia;
TheJEhiae^lfflheis/^soIsoilliealeuldtedferlcatg^#^^ anchor in the sroad,1 already indacatedldie
Vicinity ©fthaf empire. Eeyeofitheihhifdings^fthit^ity
of BataVfd weimSperc^ptihle'frotn the roadp ex®epbthe
domeibf thegieat chintch ; th'fe rbst beingchiefly hidden,
as^Well as.>sha«|ed.^ hy the large f^ c e s. o f lofty if)alms, and
other, high and spreading Creek s:
The. Embassador,! after.'HaVingbeencomplimdnted' dn
bdard,bn .the part a£ the Dutch goV&mnieBbwas received
o^isbdifei^th dMiagusssbed, J had'ereatédtherei.stoarxg'alarms'.' ■ No -aec'êupt, ltseeiiis,
had.reafched.Batavia,of thodiberal'communication, dud
prbffer’bf serviee^mstde tPiAe Slat^^Gmeral- by,the.
m y B ë ta i» .f pont h e ^ o p b f the
Emba^y?-if'Whenï.ithesèi were powpartnouneed b y the
Embassador,.to-the .Goverhor and Council1,-; the, secret
apprehehsionsthat had been,pntertoihé&by them were
frankly ■aokhowledgsd* as.-weli.«as theintention-of theiT
agtents-at Canton» to-join to counteracting his.Excelldpcy
tfrerej&siniucfr-as lay-in-themp9^er; The;göVernménto .
Bitav i awasanade -sens tble* th at theielwa Vroom -enough for
the pQihmer,ce,©fi<bcrthvnatiQns.;.. ^nd-the- CouP^mme-
diafely' determinockt-o .send dnsttwctions • to/rCantoftffor
uniting- with, instead oB opposing, the i efforts, the
Embassador,-, from wbehceit was to be.hoped? :that - every
European nation,;tradings.Ghina, ^ o u ld ^ te ie fited
in-.the énd. The r-dkpatche^his ^eHèéuyirecewed
here’ from; thecCommisslQnëfsioffthe:Ehghsh!'Ea:st India
Company mbCanton, augured favourably for his honourable
-Reception -latit-he^eourt; of* Pekin. ".The .Commissioners
mentioned that M having; applied to two jofuhe
Mipri«#al'Ghinesnf merchants to solicit« aftoaiadience
pifrom the Fouyen- or Gfovernoryof'Gantow in the ab-
p'sence of-tho-Viceroy of-the province/ in orden to
‘^ffeliyena ‘letter tb him from thd Chairman of th© Court
“jof Directors-of the*East India Company!^those mer-