still possessed of that kingdoms as well >a§ whatever part
kadbpeii recQyerfed^bYsthe'law'fiiksQyQt’eign-E
usurper, was an able warrior* aad. b a i forffied v^tipjg-r
jests dbeowpeM:,se^efcof somerGbi®#sg#^^nge§>;i ehg
thosepdlitwiani to wbom^lkmt^s’^r^eqrriall^
eligible that ««arcOTtribuSe .to tb&irluc.edstssfe'irHe.dietl
in the midst-of therein September,- I>7 9.2* . Of his sons
herleft tbe;eldest, .who'-’Was-illegitimatebin^the.goyernl
ment of Tung-quin. The youngest, who- was his kgb
offspring: by a Tungrquinese Jprmeet§,v;; wa® at
Turon at the time of his father’s, death« Ifg-iih^antfy
assumed; the. reins, of governments ■ asj lawful
his father, while his eldefetfenb illfeghimalhbmthMH?lr4:
fa in ed possession • QfiTurigTquin. and'claimed ^; >r4§htd#
the whole of h if father’s conqjnestSf? <| jj|
The state of reWliolh or civil watfate .itt GsehAifer
china had begun upwards, o f twenty-yeam before,? in! the
course of which so very many of the combatants iwerfe
slain-,, 4be country, was; so-ejsbausledbahd the ■ surviving
parties sos bahheed^ that^ at this timelvmodecmsiderable
enterprize was undertaken * hy any! of them; tho leach
Wa^ husyj in preparing; nejw plans? for, the / suppoft*#f
himself and the?pverfcbf dlv nfhis enemies-. In tjfomeaii
time die people began, in;some'degree^! td'breatbe^vbnt
had the kingdom eved> been more settled;; thd Embassador
did mot. think -it would- hate been propp to-ehter
into any sort of negdtiatibn*i briCvejiD to present the
credeintiaktlhtters^iwitht wMbhbhe »hadnbeen entrusted cbehW-
for .that kingdtomidbefore iIJi;eShMfSd’eMt^bfid\ an the first
ihs6a®ere,j*ih©lfe ddthadbiA .charge-: fhr’JfckedEmperdr of
Ghana. ?HihiE^EeMehEy^ therefcijc^dfetbrirdned-' t'olconfine
himself to MeS$ige& of foffiplirhehe addibe^peelpan d
to; iaCreturh df ipreseritsfitfopStliSsei. h^lltad'J sd sest^oftaMy
mpivedifor the’ ufs^oifrthefS'qu^dronv^^h uninterrupted
communication, whsteorilinuedfo bei Afttoiai^ed"with
the'^people «ofeTiriion not without'some »marks of
tnistrush afndrconseI|MdMiWatehfhltei'e§shom*b®th!lsidfs'. ‘
The bay?rofi Turohi Was:foilrfdi'tb 'deservejfthlfeel' pi?#,
perly,ithe>name df harbour!' ? Its 'ndi-thep so
narrow-, .nor«.so capabforniheingidefended/#snk.bpdrt @f
Ridrdeltfaneiro A described in a; former ■ chapter*;3» ndE,
within, is it sotdeop) onspaftibias; 't i-iib itV d r th e le S ’S';
among «thenlaigesboas well*as safesfc'Aha^bouris -knb#m.
It'is d;eeplyfse@lfoped or. indented^ s&^l§iw afford5perfect
shelteb irMsoMej or other ®&®ftMss inletspfrOm'lwhatevdr
point df:eh#Goh^ass.itheKimbrst<' violelHfc'hvihdiffiS.^ brow*;
The bottom, is mud, arid the .
In.common whathervbips ■m^y-'sodida^'tdtha'td'th'e ad-
vantageof the*s0a,:1wind, $i®8iir8g in lAllthe'.d.Wbdiif^s
mouth, and over thd narrow* i'sthrMMibiady meritioirii^
from the foo'drs’ ofr three* or four in 4h4mbrnfelgY tobthd'
same hours in ■ theMfteffldilld The land ;-
very' quickly, and continueslalmost ->«detbrestMl<#'',?the
twentyrfour. hours| Thebships;have?all thehbdn’efit fdff
■U u