6n the%afck,!sfer well1 as ^miwhatfnroken or 'irregular,
<|‘ ;dïiftfeè'-siSfe^ The throat wàé furnished
‘‘ wîffiTa^l^fgë*, and somewhat ângülar, pair ó f : watUqsV
“ umiil^u%ith1 thfe 'bare ‘spaces’-on' the cheeks. The
^leathers'- ofotheitop ^of the hfead, which Was bf à
“ lerigfhénëd form, ran a little backward^sb^s ^h^glve
V'thc appearanceóf an indistinct oecipitàf erest'.Ui The
kffbëak was remarkable fori a rftóre ^lëngfhëhhd carid
- ‘ Óurved^kspèét} than in any other bird bfrhiî^pmts,
“■MÉSfpt • tlië Impè^anl pheasant. The'foathèiyóhSké-
“ neck, back, and breast} * were rounded,5 âitd‘of the
“ sitóë shell-like or scaly habit, i^sEthosé1of thékkrkeÿ.
“ The legs* very stout, and1 were armed:witli a,pair of
“^extremely strong, large; and sharp spttrsl Bothulégs
“ -and^beak were of a pale colour . Whethef thiybif^ lis:
“ really new or not to; the ^ornithole^ists bPEMopfef it
“ may^tdfeasf be affirmed with safetyplhcté ifihhd-never
“ been properly described ; nor can the'châtàètér of àny
species, hitherto introduced into thebooks'of any sys'fcé-
“ matic naturalist, be considered as a-just or compétent
“ Upfeciffo character ôf thé pi?#feâtfbird. It maydaë 'Billed
‘I thé jire-backeè pheasant ; and its essential; bharàctér
“ may- be* ' dëlineatéâ' in the following tefm'S'^ bliek
“ pheasant wkh a steel-blue1 glbssy the sides of the-bódy
“ rüföüst; ‘AëtibWer parti of tÉèdtóck' ftety -¥éf fogitro’hs ;
‘dike5 tail rounded?* the two* middle feâthetÿ^imfè' y^eh
“ low-brown.”
The eye looksai%i‘.0 a)e©uhtiy:here^ip' Vjaxn for the
common ianijnals'ttai^ t^®fea^ ^ whi<?lff'
acBustomedRe^erkhday'#«^'*®6^™' Ebrppev^ Ig^Mosi
familiar b h& w U m ib fo h cm ^m ibhenlihbassadhr^ihdst
was the icrown birdpasviti pa®,-;chlle|^ael Batavia, which
was. not^howeveri-th&&rdea.ip®vohhj&f of kinnasusi'lbut
Sfok 'coiumba^mistaba| having4nothitog»R^k#s«3ej ^
in'common with ,tter former. The . . ^ ^ ^ ‘tJkman had
also, at his1 country iho!Use,is®m§da|g^
whAehvtkogojKgi in ,?hik possession,! and kavi?ng* theJapy
pea-ranefflof tameness;' sometimes b:efrr<aye]d the.kerGfentks
plffh4 r;fnhtur@f f attackfe^with - their 5 sfeEon^bill fehn^e;
whakprp'rqaehledrtoo^ea^thCpif <. ThRiyhgbtatfonodf the
cpun^yris lik eW iW w I jjEyenvt-hsetpaptt-em^in the
gardens,iarolOTd(^ed,'upstead of vb8wfyv®Da?ibycthe tAvaS
bian^issaminR}>of}whk:k:the k^granb lowers; adofnRthfed
-pagodas of Hindostak The Dutch i afe>s^fondbf
gardens jin. Holland,hhasve tranrfeiteds 6hatIt<aStfe J'whe¥| I
it «can, eertaMy^kep^ult^ated, with niorep^f^g^^nd
i^dulg^ifetofe. great .extent afftfehesirahoB
foo^ii tketfettytp/ Bataviaijobntssyll wMhin tha-ttfean^
district-,/ * concerning^which ,■ ■ an'
upon! t&sipotomsedetiier, strong expresyonl^tha.tlph’& tir
wasipestjlential, and themater fci$s®m®us$j$0
to^ ^ey^ryyheri so:verdfel?.l8a>Y<^ndtfoptM^it-isd*fftbi^
spersedwith suc^.i&agmfr&ntihffltfta^
canals, and dra,w>%idges RWdjls^^fformced *1# ^ ery