- B“WIb pa®‘ ofr 1’-1T 'urQjfi jr;
■ j-jiit, iA. A® irregular mountarateifs> pëffinsüla, -ifi&ËQes-
“ sibfcï.p®*av.ery parfotsfè thédëèasfc, ''éxtfëpf that aeJjaoèni
4ff to^fcfeedaarhpÜE;; and at’■th© two-small sandyhhy srihdhe
4f-^ntraiiii|^J(ibaElmd!’ -Noahd ö)4‘ ‘ahthe f bottom öflë&’én óf
‘f-which are aifew fisKermeri’s’;huts. nToHhis penhishla
“ w.asigiven the^namevöf/'New^ifefafe^r^.teSi'dèdMuB^óF
11 tbej similardoreal ïiafurai advantage« wKiëffwpÖMë^sy
‘f[a0:d,iwM;ch rènder?tft capable of being: madèhtik^Jh©
/ft dther^g^taidst: imp rëgnablëhf This? j^fiirïsidtfii lilted
odbydhenativeS Tiendcha:
- m'rlBo Arlevelüsthmus, united to the above*pësinMa,
“ from j thjde-fourdi»<€»f *>a milé" to a1 mile in wi#th-/3|®ri-
“ taini^grj^evieïsalf'small villages afid .pafeMs-’öf’'grohrid J
“ ïandeat ebidvation, chiefly dfl rice, tobacco, pulse, tehü
The small elevatioi^Ftbi^fethinub®'öov*ê
. ‘‘ tlje-lévêliofotheisea,. and thedoóse sandy mzfterial§*oi
I ‘ which it is composed * would at any time rèïïder ade'ep1
|);^ut>aCTOSsitJpractieable; andieas^i. should th^ifisiilation
‘■d§f the pres^bpeMnsula evertbe*thodght5advisable3 ;
- ;?// €»* Thé principal town 9 in the vicinity- #f the iHaih
‘‘.boar, at which the maEfcet ’is held. ; ^ lw llind^aÉ^wd
“ this town appears to be kept in a state of tolerablycg&od
‘^culüvationi. i The namet^lvfén to it by:,thfi’Hativ,es)!fa‘s
“ well as. to the harbour, is Han-san\ fc|
“ D. A small island cohered with trees -and” thick
brushwood. The [depth i of rwnte^Hékig three fathoms
witHin; a.iship.’sj trhe;t^Qiu tfer®* extremity: of j
jth^isiahH, af eojwemieilt.placedmighh Jr#I preparpdri at
sa-, smallu-6xpehpe*,sif§Ee.h?ea^i'hgi!flbwihjiaSnid i repairing
.-ship.sv,)!>Tfhei(nóiï6her&i pèiiri i@f KthisridLand,
?ed with the peninsulaibj^feasdahrifr rock&.>-„th*at aife un-
icovèred at lowmwAfPbO ,By;iraahisoig tihes ^ noeksn the
(feundafeion'„©fiia?pisr;.t0Ff$a».sewayfftan e^heltentdo.ck
)nigHt,bé/constÈuGt|dibetwet^thei t ^ rl(iaiïdj;!fch[ej’pfin'-
hasuia.' ’A.'pl4€e!,hhbsthis,^bpld^be.|iielh,e3jj3;]4>lated$for
j repositories! of nayaf stores^, magazines,;or- wafreb@ji'$es.a
“ E. E.■ !iRüis:/pf (Gl.ëariwate»>H'fromf,Wih'ic3a;\shippi.r^
mighthe-,supplied”!withigreat pohyopience. m
Atssmalhplairi, j ©newhicba terifcs wm'ege^Pt^ 1 fefr
sth^nieeepl^Qitofethei sdlckr An<6owmtibu.iltj!ifopofJt {this
Jplaamgpauld .command ^jid%fflhhnd vert^iso^rpddiqus
.communication twith the§ shippirig#iiia the harbour:
i B.y.a; spall jwqrk-on fehe^tfirs’t points which is -consider-5
ablysek.^ated,-;the. tow® ihight bgj dgfehdfe-dj-Agay^s t aji y
force, that' wouldaprobaM-y’f^èfeidphie6te6hag^h)S.t,-it.
bbtlöb Af valley, iiauwh’i^,h>,ther©ii'S (adsmallj village-a
Irivulebof clear*waters*'and about forty,or, hffr^'^Sés^f
„land junder tillageap^au--graat, part. oft>jwhiph, yp’iS’pn.a
(State, of preparation toibe planteAAvith
“ H. K. pillages, at' whichosb^hral mantt|a|i|üj:^arfe,
carEiedi on!,» ,paritiGuliafl^t4io,s|*o£ Jaoa th uildij$fag£ an'chof
preparing!sugar. and: tob«LÓ.QQ,c o