‘sberèd'from- every "wind. * The entraricë* t® it'-is-'very
“ narfow; but'thé» want of a sufficient:d’ëp’th ëf^-wafer,
^ mu^'oMifë5-' ships’ of lafgëd burden £© wait* tril high
“ ‘water! ||j|ÉË| in. - R*4i|&9in tbirteen*d%t^s^fty-twó
‘! ihfflule^ËdrtH
May1, Pul^Canfonl^öt-hSr4
wisé‘called Pulo RataOp^mehh &ight, bearirig&fe*senr-
biahcë^of two^ff&nds; dt^mte^istWèey-^being -highlit
hföthëxtrèmeV'and’ lsftv in the middle. § It-y^as tïrerëffïyr
föafifl tókly sldhftm which tfeëfe was-möch appilêrlWefe
'of‘cultivationT A north-west current drovethêr-s^uadron
nearer, than was intended, to-that'islandf there' bappeh-
®g iathbehïfómené to be little wind.
Thé ships hadRjeenj'-now^somfe'tifney abt east o^ütefe
kingdom- o f Jdoehin-chiifa^;hTb*ê^:|t^ f^ b É w é ë hKffe
§hér5, and a'tótst multitude of small Mahéh' an®h ro^ls5,
caflecPthe Parabds^forming a leègthengd^fu%têf'dying
north and loftJth for nëafIjföür htrridtted milesy ^ a ’^&^t
without sdthfe peril;,Jand- required’ no ihc'ofi^d'êrkbfe
eaution, ’ to' guard “against the efFect &f basterly éufrÉfts,
whiéh^fi¥h to^^dS'tWéhëks in cMlms'V'a§' w'êïPS#, in
the öppdlife’fcalse,' against the violent tempests, V/hich1,*©!
these*1 sSs^kre called typhoons, as 'thl?p are* hurricariës
in the Atlantic ; both resembling-each other in thte^e'x-
treüièVMëficfe^df the wind, and in thi séhddèli’ shiRfi^
of its direction. Some previous appearaneM of the weather
denote the probable approach of those typhoons to
the^ajsjteg^i? navigator'l&pidt give ihib^t-wigjtoj prepare
his,ship*g.gainst their fury. Thedeipr’ogmosticsvw'ere-oh :
sjr^gd^tojtake> place,,Jnt^me- dejpe^pm- the s Evening,of
the^t'^entyjth.iE.d) of jMa^^An unodhimomi^dhess. ofisthe
$kysat sunset;'.and a ‘ha^atmospher^tsucceeded to-a fine
^lear^dayii The qpitaksjilvgr felbshtddprljy in tke^baro-
pfet-er, Afteythe, sun.had?d,esqend&d? ,horizon»
a tf|skekiblack .-gl^udfarosej ©pfe oft^^lqMjhl&a'sb 'quarter*',
tipgecb^m parts,.;with i^deepf^fi^lyf re-dijoloup-iwhieh
i\fasylumin.€$iS?,rpun4 thd? edges-.i Pisesentlyuafterwards
the| ’^pleihorizo^^as|^ves|©,d#dveE:with>joI,Q}iidsi; and.
thjf.<s,tofmt:|vsfejg ^expegted,;moment^,|$« ’%$r sh : The-;pre{-
^aution^a^jCpi^equently^^ejpofdp^^rmgtthe ship?s
leasts, and y$rgfe| and, ,^^a4i#|^veiydlit.de|4iih in order
th^thf^wind §hp,oldt-have^ss to'.,aet-‘upe|n.s; anAeyery
thapg^as, dn ;the.:,-seaman’s Ipj^r-kse....hrfde ^snug.-loThe
teloudls^hQwever.va.her-i sdme tim a^dtkp^ e darT h;e?q n’icls -
silvey^g^dedvzift^a, few iyiojepl-^qjuall s{hambthei next
mat-piny-jmke^r| in ^ q ^ w ^ ^ ^ v a.Md|.sh^wed^ at a distance
v an,opening; in the land, ,y\\ hit ho.vas >conjee tuied
to bh Turoh^batyf, with an* Island toitEe;vsaiuthw^d ,of itj
called Cham jQalla® jQ-ampelleli py
Many^ca^cfpsl'WeB^sej^A |h lngjb^we;anf'tfeejahips.q.iiid
land. Thq nearest* werdfehailed', ii|g|rd<dr,3.tc)|„ge6,j from
g|rjpj|g ,-|^eyfehertia|g^ some oney%h^pi ight- pilote;the
squadron intoy. th,e bay^| But^tb§^4Pp^Gasi'ipig^% Approach
slJsangeiygssels,-immediately made-.sail andscudHe'd