whole equally capable of being molded into eândles. The
fact is ascertained-, indeed, in some degree, by the simple
experiment of dissolving one part of this wax in tH fl#
parts of olive1 oil made hot. The whole, when , cold,
will coagulate into a mass, approachlngAö the firmness
of bees’ wax!
Gopsrderpag Cochin-china in a general "view, it must
be allbwed fo bë excellently well adapted tojomnmeice.
Its vfcffiify*t& Ghina, Tung-qhin, Japan, Cambodia^
Siam, the Philippnn^p Borneo, Sumatra, arid Malacca,
rendcis the intfitouisc \\ illi all thcsoToinitues Miorfand
easy. The commodious harbours with which thqcoastrs
intersected'^and particularly that o f Turon, affoid a sajfg
retreat for ship^qf any burden, duiing the most knipt s-
tuous seasons of the year.
As a good plan of .so valuable a harbour as "Turon
might be of use Ao future navigators, and wouldfoea
desirable addition to nautical knowledge, MriSBarrow
undertook to draw it agri^^bly tO gebmetrical admeasurement;
and, for that purpose, “ selected a level sandy
“ beach on the south-west side, of the harbour,ras the
“ most advantageous place .on which a -measured base
“ could be had, and from the* extremities of w h ich th e
“ greatest number of points might be seen. -He carefully
“ measured, with à chain, a base_of one nautical mile,
“ and with a small théodolite took a set o f angles from
“ each extremity, by which thé_gêneral outline of the
harboi^r was completffidfa'S fapais the proj ectèn g "jiöiht of Cóchin-
the peninsula, fe^M%d, in tl^ cfp rt No. 3, the -second-
point. Thejfest forming thé entr&hce
of, £h<e ^harbour,- wascAaM- down by intersections On
board- the Jackal!, as-,whe was fo r k in g out 0f; the
harbour, cm her passaged daeHsland o f Calfeo. Hé
estimated the tfvidfch o f ’the isthmus,'..thrifc is ^connected
w ith -^ e . peninsular, hjh walking; Across it'-frOfn.
the harbour to -t bekopen 'sea. The' soundingsS'-ih thë
entrance o f the harbour Were, obtaihed iri the Jack-all,
abd tho&eihri the channel between the' banks,attdih
t'h^mouthiof thebwerj^were taken a£ lowwatfef b'ydÖè
ftwo brigs, in thjeir passage towards stlietowii of Han-
s sap.. The .s|tfMion and direction of the banks1 Wêfé
determined fey taking their beatings from varions parts
o f the bay, and intersecting those afkrwafds from the
Hindostah. The latitude of this ‘ship’s anefeörageyby
the mean of seyer&l- meridional iakitudéilooT '
vTas found to hjs sixteen;degreps-seven minutes north ‘
and IqngitHde, by thatame kè^peir, ■ one hundred and
eight degrees twelve!minutes east from ©rcetSlwich.
Theorise and jfall/of the- tides appeared to beSydfy Tin-
,equalb*tThe greateSferirisei^hserved,' duringJtheosqéa-
dron’s-stay, Was about debt;-1 but it was said to fisë!
sometimes,* as high as eleven or twelve feet. The time'
of* high water,‘at full and changCp was about fifs&.'or
six o’clock in the afternoon. -