jyisdaa. -xe$Qry individual might -poss&ssiiupwardsraf .tfestee-'afeses
„ Aigriajt part o f Madeira, however, «seem-s/dncapShie
of cultivation ; ■ theiaides ofbfehe^hills being'-sfeep an^
rugged,©and. almost destitute of,soil. TheLwaters, in
„j^&ir desc&Bife^oni the mountains, form a number of
narrow; vaMijes^ in all of which small patcheacpf sfc&l treated
vgro^d&appear, and i n manyrof them; ptees&nt
little, v illage#^ e situated. [sid^sAdf the hillsrafeeHs©
thiblycQveredtwith soil, that-neodisity Had scompelled
the- evdtivators^to- endeavour to add^tonk*, i i y Ibreaking
such pieces, ro f the, scattered rock^-as? eqiitakisyegetAtle
matter,-ipto smallm'f parts, over-'whioh?idie ril-lte^ fnoM
the? heights, -beirtg made:to: flow, the fragmentsdsoanl^fe
found toicnimble. and become a fertile*. mouid^kThiMs^
.perhaps, the-strongestinstanceiei their indusfcryAidnidaj-
l ^ e e i s predominant, particularly with1 thewriren jrc.whd
oftehllie basking in the sun, or stretched''at thefir length
upon their floors, while their wives;.and dteghteiMtre
.sent to the distance c^wme milesifhp theibountaihsiiito
cutdown broom, which they -carry in loads to Eurichaf,
wheredfc is bought, for fuel. These women; I notwithstanding
the roughness, of the roadsi travek-ofnsfcan-tly
^barefooted. The poorness--ipf. their food,: consisting
ehieflyj of^nmpkins arid salt fish, added.to t-heftseyerity
ofytheir labour, and the warmth of fkfei'cliihate, give
them the appearance of age at an early period of life.
Thdidaieftproltu^i^sf the .island«Si*Aet< grape, from
tmade^hmlill^v upon/: an\;:a^emge/lnearly 1
’ tw.enty'-lfive thoAMd * of one.i hundred
airdU^wentyi.gailj^S^fe^ha'lfepfjlwhdGhSi^ exported to
England, North;'AWieiai^and;th>elE,as't and Wpst-Judiesl;
the}'remaindeA'^©^^^t^ i^ ^ h ^ ma't,i^es’' 'in its&^jginal
jlfete,pr?f^lM#6f spiri^dfetHM fern it.-jjfEhe grapeMf
Madeira is gerierajl®)5ttislhiiei-! and .prod**esi^jufe%iG®the
Isame, colour ; ’but therei a®#0iheis(W.hmh yield^.dpper
leblouredjxiil^ifiomiidgiaj-, rted, wine^ealledyTinfe ,of
wli&Bia'(M?&ure.with'the former,;in a^malhprdpoS-
■ tiMi f‘’S^v'H^idig‘&reTfi&"a darker f .
ifThtifel isplTketeefi'a^red? skinted ngrijtei calle^'Ba&r
tMrda,aofcwhichldkei.juiee->ist w ltiir ’ Inr&Ae/£ew'>soils
ahotiheft gjbaperist raisedj* remarkably , richn and1 Jsweefc, |
.from'. wMidHd produced»,JtheMchldbrktediMalhisey,, wine.
Of-this, the! a^eragb squanti-ty made i®isaid to. approadh
-fi^efhundred5 pipes^f and. sells 'at ?a>bopt sixty pounds« a
piper iOf the'othed'imoe, which, in ebhtradistinction,is
‘iklled dry or hard Madeira, the highest pfieb.chaxged,
whens new, t® dealers; in thabf hBtiole^f^seldomj esccbeds I
itfhittty-two' pounds-a pipe.; >From other jfersons,-accordin
g ‘to thdifedusfiom. in evtefy, branch of; trade|f»< larger
sum alwaysJ is; dem’ande^fEo'Aold wine an additiora’of
twenty shillings a pipedoi more, is ritaie for every year
itdias be&n kept, r as? an equivalent fohleapcagd; evaporation,
and interest«of the.capflalfemaining'uneEapldyed.