mm EMBASSY; .T($?G’H IN A i
I “ His BxGH’k^^^-ejlednoWLieutehaht^ofefiigl’iBen-
YcUow sea, ^%^^^(Amandant-di®ssiguardrrtli?at-she.%6tfM?'hWe a
“.fltfiefctand watchful- «ly^bvev the individuals:thdtfcd&.-
V «posed thatj|h(©d<y. Vdgihhee, "at to^theifiipersonal deli
^'MeaitejE^b&ingiiaisi rfeqtiisite in the ptesen®*eipidh.tri-
‘‘/standes^asrit is'/jltho vffom other/!motives; in
“ the conduefbf ^an*-enemy in~time of war. THeKgaard
“ was to>he-heivtieoBstanilp^^etter, and regular!jt'd&te'f’-
■ all military evolutions: rnof wSfdSi^^®®heiix
V td’absent them selves fromdnthbard Ish ip p or fronr wha tnleverplaqe
mightbe allotted/for theird^elling^h^hbre;
“ • Witrhon from his Excelfirisoy; orthdfr dommand-
“ ing affiteor. None of . the ine'chanxcswE servants “Wife
t! t® leave the ship, or usual dwellingfeh^hdfr©|aWithilTli
the E-mhassador,^Sf from Mr. Maxwell':
‘ ‘ and his Ex^ferf^e-xpededTfhat the gentlemen5 In his
H train would show the,-example oF’subdrdinati'dti',
^^communicating /their iwishes 1 to himsbe&rb)th©y
‘t-fr©rs. the ship'/nr their,’ usual) habitatf^t
‘! His E x c e llen t, in ithomest? ear1hest>mafeftn,iS?e'i
“ quested that no* person whatev-eF ^bfelonging fcdxehb
“ ships.,be suffered, and he- desired: that noneKof'!h.N
II suited guard, * |mechanics/1 or * servants, woUl'd' ?|>*e-
sume,ito offer Cor sale; or:propose to phtifiasd^dife'
“ smallest i article of merchandize rhf any kind?,*
“ any pretencejwhatever^ without leave from him {he-
■ vioiisly obtained. The necessity of avoiding the least
‘1 appearance of traffic, accompanying an Embassy to
‘‘ Pekin;! whs*1 such ais-to) have inducfi^tl’^lBast India
!Jife.mpahytt.i^A^gd;4tk'^p^G)jhl®?0® a n©>w,tmarkieti»-,a’nd
“ilprevented; them^Jtroto^a»)^.®%d® f©k <Halesin
the HindosiahjObec-ansestheirdigpity andaiulp<%i5fearmbtof
15 the. ®mbass,y^iw’th^ eye&iofi'thebGhinese,, ^onldfjbe
ddsh, iand/fh^hod. kdnseqs^^es: e^eeXedtfrom
“ il^.e^eiar^o.nd^h|^Ecidftiprdibits^tQtally, if
-1 an^avtuakdifiansaction^tho^ih ti^&^ifopthgipiijspoSe
1 ‘ oJtgffa^islinnM b®Mf^^©^©1q^lmoB^st*ahyio-f theper-,
‘f‘aseteraebnEprned in $<kteveyi<ngi roftabtendingdupuhi, an
«/Embassador;*! transactions, - of fewhich .a* report a'vxjqufl^l}
‘ Sbsbifnufcnfallibly*spr ead> int®4hatAlfea^g:enei;al4 system bf
‘AtfadingA-yuFrom this strictness hist E)|c^|l^^%,^fidul4
“ willingly; rela«), wheireuer: STaK-fe^dVaffiicesjsh@uld haVe
“ beenonade bydaim in at^pjaaitiort as would ps®lb|i thp
Jf?®bi.e© his mission-; and •when.-.aifpe^m'issiqni from
“ him European, to disp«M*of;,aiiy'.j4 uticular^ur*
“ tixdehf}merch-andize!sshbuld?b^d©!n«idhjed)as a- favour
ikgfantpdfte4t*h®Gthanese' purchaser!: * *
“ His Excellency took that oppoitunity; of}(declaring
also, that however .'determined his sense, of duty lhadd
him to forward the objectsnf his mission, anEColwaUshlf
lj*diet»e.ot} and punish|«ais far as inhaspd^aen/ ariy.crime^
“ d iso’bediehcthe# orders, or-behaviour. tending^ to iiohe
“ danger .or delayfheyshcfees&ojfetheippsfesehtya'ncjertaking
“ or to »bring ’disemditton the English ch ara'cf.erl$ obdula