6f the capital were-young-females,of thê lVwepdksjtës öf
~ sOOfetyi'&ho were^tfdusedfofdncontin^ney;‘'thetempta-
tibns' to which Crkrietthe softness of the climate rrénders
them'litfelen capable of resisting1, «notwithstanding- the
rigour with which i t i s pursued1 by-- the ecclesiastical
j urisdiètibé;' t. i
- In the mafkefsrwas-a profusion of red gtape^sdaxëëly
any white, thonthe wine, exported from1 Tenefiffe,j be
generally^!»# th^ftitef dölöïö-; 'ThedJtëasótffoFthe vintage
as’ftl^ays (hal o f rheeitulness and aot*i vit y,t;a4idl-tfh e
peoplé,-in thé streets , 'sdemed-to partake oFfeuU&f&'-cKs-
position. This city is situated'noriUa%rêminêtièéfMn ?a
fertile plain öf^eottsiderabl’e^exterttt^itBes-idè Vin^ff|É
bears'wheat1, Indian corny* potatoes*? aMd species of
bean* not:unlike-a lupin. From?^roündsy3séill higher,
water is convoyed to a’variety of d©Unfains&4n* Laguna,
asiat Santa Cruz, in an acjüedtict * composed'-of iwde’den
troughs; and supported by poles fixed iiko^he earth.«
To the plain, above mentioned, succeeded abridge-1 of
hills, of gentle ascent, from the summit of whièh^ere
easily traced the windings of a- pleasatit valley-Mrê&h-
ing to the westward,: along tile feet'óf 'a rangd’o f hills
that: sëparatë it from the sea-coast. The town ofTIHe-
rohfi^and numerous little villages,' formed a fÖënë^agrSë-
able and- picturesque? 'The bosoms * of the mountains
w:ëre all well cultivated; and their- more rugged sides
were chiefly covered with the spontaneous plants of
warm.iregionsyj subfu a^gthe .botanists call the Gacalia>
KLéiui,a,'tteh^i®^ga«'vfe ^fugrijskoa, .the .Ca-et-u-s Tuna, beside
0thersiofidiHlel@ru.2imept or ' tfüil
A c^lafin overtook the .travellersi amid
tirese mountains? ^ litjle before noon.;- and ojaèliüf, the
inhabitantsfpf a' ^fdlage,* wherd-ithey/' took rapp|ll „told
tfem-.thafci'ai «similar sho^flidalisvatbpufc theDsame hout
Ihérê almost* eYdry dayithroHgh,6h|*!thlby^®s o
, From thence the parity descended towards:a etch and
extensile y ale, Jying^etween <an sampbitheatreiof mdun-;
tains and the Affthe? bottom idf thése mountains*
pUt-.ofj whighibises.the gha¥ of TenerifFej is-the vilfe or
city, -.and about’.thr{^miles. distant,-, oh jthejsea coast, ds
the pueife'ïór seaport, hf Oxotava. The fir&sis inhabited,;*:
cfdèfly, by persons. .of * landed " property in that
neighbourhood'; I and. at the senon^cis Gaxried’on a considerable
_ degree:,of cpinmerce^j principally; for. the lex-,
por^ation of wine. It isychiefly,...affab Jdadeifa,',in'*the*
hands o&a-ffew British; gomnaercial houses, .which imi
port; in?return, the*tóan.ü%t<uress o^reait'Britain."
The consufiption :of Briti.shjg<^Qd§>, in- .the. remofest ■
places, among thesipaniar.dsftajs. well as the ppjtuguezëj
easily accounts for the vast .demand frqmjhe warehouses
of, London, andfseerUte^ render that- capital, Juaconb'
merciaf sense, ,the metropolis;of.the world;.;-: •
- From Orotava the ascent ofj^tihe .mountain, <towards
the Peak of Teneriffe, is generally attempted d The time