Passage to Chin a,, wh ere .'she alachored from -time to^timai a|^saa
Chu.^..s.aslii. onef.f. ieqJtJe*i» ren. ?j^
The^squadroi^^»tinued to'-A m i^ ^ uallv iweafikpS
r^hdefiy - .from thee westward', mhstheitwppit'^esfeattJof
Jhi^riwhhsialHafO^odhtixiapilhga^ ranp,*q$|$a .CBasa^e©®;
fused swellpfithteisea; in tkelnight the wind was^aptfddf
toward the latter tpart it-blew chiefLy frc^daelnnr.thwja'rd-.
The-i‘datitude thy -thh^reckoning."differed ,smt>g^|~miles
from the-observation at naojii'and the^engi6ud^ J|y|thje
«chronometer, was fifty miles $o the eastward-£ef dh at by.
account; whefi@.ei»t. was; inferred ^ha^he:^ghEBenti%;d
run, within these-th-ree.last daysy forty-eight miles in this
direction of north seventy;degp®(gdeashXoFsafe:ithe^ra|;iej;o.f
tWQithirds oft a-mile iM^e^hawp'.j The thermometer
at noon -wasfat^eventy-nisietdpg^^® and.the,bai^mseter
atitweiaty-jiihedhc%eas: seven ty - th i^E§&im4lipafcts.' .:
During the:twen^-eighth50'f Junhithe.wind wasimOh
derate and vamabl®,:iphiefly blowing from, nifcftjmgftly
points, a cross and heavy swell settingitg&terlyi; Asj^|m
as -the- squadron hadrbleiiMdgjoE passed beyond daeisfpit,'
a^gtarrent,' setting ;tnthe westward, seemed-jfc) run'against
the heaypjof t-he^a, at the rate of .upwards of half a mile
an. hour. The weather being now apparehtlyigmore
settled,„the squadron -made sail,-for the islands lying off
d iu :San. .
■ On the twenty-ninth the weather was hazy and unpleasant;.
.The soundings* decreased} from
twen^-tefeffltteb-nirsM Afnluster^dslands.dame in sight, p^ge ^
called the islands! being/little moire ,
than! naked Crocks. Theisrl latkdd^st3’teentyr.eight,||’4 -
‘glpli§|fihy..-th^^h^^h-ds^nof th; * and il«#0!giitudef ©n©^ hundred
and! twent^iitae de^®ee‘srfcS^dfiyj-'fdian m inhteVvfepM|
1Bhisnlusternfr^lfeR(%0M;es a. m4w ^ w na-Uo^jistan^from
th^6bhtinenli£(fbt{ih®nat-> t: ‘
On the -Hthiftdefefehe■ fl^&le'iptwa's; ithicfejMM? muddy,*
With hiod'4r«atjeibre^^fefe^totfjh!^S>®sfe#hi-w.estf;hkm steeidn^
fel«the northwaffid^nthe^^s’ouatdihgsf dnn^^shdnf^dl®^}^
Duianigs^%wh^^lff^^s^ h ^ 0lIykh^w^hfeiUw^
thick andvd&azldngi^lphfe^i^ndwaa^^^ikoin^soiMhrWests
feYs^rbh» ‘Another elHsfe^ofdsland^t^pS'PowtohsAned^
ealled :thei!^i©‘^saaa^da.ndis, hlos^rfeoi wt^idnth^i^Adten*
a*pjtfeache<M.he n&xSd^C itherfsee'hddi'0^ J uly> andt an-,
ehbr'edrin'niaaetsfa tho:rtfs witteri^l^ddyibofctom^P the hi^h-1
estond • mfdst southern of thos^kndsssbearin-g^derthi'hyi
Wtis'&-‘,f:®ihifejmil|4s?' sThistts isteddys^^ted" by; the lErtglisM
PatchccfekV is i*n da^|^bCVwent-^hMeaidhg®e©s4f|wSB't^'l*
t^Wminut^nnorth^antkjfetai'gi^ude, h^i-bhroiiometesEj)
ohet'hurilr4iitndUweht.y-one de^e'esi fifty-two rthdi*e|si (
On theTbild^ing. morning, which wasithe latter parfoof
th e nautitoal day, the squadronweigh^da”finhio®^iniorder tot
stand in^easnehtoiChm’si^ydiicbth'e^haddomedifflculty
in dbing, OtfdicfcQunt eh a* vast numbers of Ohfneselboats