St; Jjago’ the .most tolerable,^was aho-ut hundred yards distant
from thefbeach.y Sir Erasmus Gower ad>|i^Sj^Qridraw
*^it < very Pearly in the morning, asJt is afterwards soon
ikdisturbed^ydhe rm'eigihbanring Inhabitants',s)?ihoi‘itke
much: of it away. It istMdf^ssi^eae&sa^y*, 'fortitlie
Js pf essorva ti on ofttbe ^seamen ,, to ~ avoidxmplo yingithem
“ in the middle of the daiypas .the weather as extiemely
55 sultry,? .fthe&hermoriiester; seldom* u fidefe f ©1gbfiy-fiypide.-
' M and often above^ninety. *It had,?-forme^l^/;ue*
V curred,* to prefer »the jeodlness of rtbbihightfitoh'oll the
55. casks-, of'water rto- the beach, and.jt6fflo,^t*'themself to
“ the boats, lying at* .anchor I at some dittled!tance; fan
■ 55 adcounUof the violenceibf f he fpirge^but- ^the;:ej?pteib
‘5 ment has been, fatal,'’wholejbdats’ crep^ dying • im .ebnr
seqherf^.'dfjitds Mr. Jackson:pj mastbf’fiofethty Lion?,
Jiad^anhdeasbf sinking .tasks iri^^l^^lt^earjthef^®^'
sahaidst up .to the brim^with holesr in their^).btf©4,s?ahd
sides^rbyf'whidhjKKeaEfas .the. casks.iwouldi'&dpn - fill,' ‘he
ihphghty.with“ good : water,% filtered^thrqpgfisthe]->sa>n«|.
Aruf such jgan; c experiment may be, j certainly, dfeor«di
■ »making; where-,’good water is not,, otherwise p|obe- had,
or is too far distant. But the Lion and Hindostaav.were
not driven to the.' necessity of this trial;- hawing-a~suffi-
eientrreservei of wateir'.to the plane;, where they. ..'next
proposed to stop, for such •refreshments, as St. Jago
xouid-not afford.:: They had- been, already, five days
in Pray a bay, and the Jackall tender did not appear.
It was, therefore, ndvv determined “to" prosecute the voyage
without her; and on We-eighth of November the
ships set sail from the island of St. Jago.
St. Jago.