Cpohin-. ‘‘ until noon,«^bounding, chiefly in riee of different china* , , o /
ff qualities, yams, sweet.* potatoes^ greens /of various
‘a kinds, pumpkins, melons; sugar inbound whitopakes,
“~sugar-canes,vpoultryand ffiogsJ In the market were
“ stalls iaadde of bamboo, with shops for theisalhof-eteths
“ and other»goods;; The* country' appeared .very populo
u s ; anduhe people, both male and .femal%>v©ry dn-
•‘ dustrious.
fë*“ .'Thèid fields were1 separatedf* not. by fendtesjsbut by
“ narrow paths running-between them. To tffpgwuliJte,’:
“ whi’ch?.feould -not be watered byt-he rivers* .water «wa's
jgg conVeyeff dnr. jars^Anded; by the. cultivators "fiff thfe
‘‘-soil, Theiland was ploughed by two buffaloes yoked
^‘-.together; the1,-plough seemed tor.be made ©Ftwood
Malone. The fields plkntediwitKHsdgar-cane^wei^móre
“i iextehsi ve than ady bothers. The sugar s'oM'ih-lthe-
“ markets fob about three-halfpeneb savpound 'ndSsv^y
‘Volhert article eqiially cheap ; eottoniwas- very plenti-
“ ful. The children were employed in
theipod, and the women in spinning* and weaving
‘‘»ifeÉ|töJatho2lrse:eloth, mostly dyed with indigo^Hs®it&.
tf r hdfses were small, but spirited and active.' kThfyjlidig
‘V-alsouasses- and mules,- and, innumerableI .goa|sh?-Th^
‘ihpëqplé appearedite:b© very much oppressedda^d^er-1
“ sons in office, and by the soldiers, whose; bebaviónr:
‘Awas 'that of brutal savages.; Their arms • were chiefly
“ longj.-jpikes, spears, and cutlasses/, exactly, resembling
^hiipS^rfwar! . He saw/ u o ; cannons | cocw,
“ >l^iiteman!yiwall-.ps^es9iwithi wide: belli mdzzlesv The . ...u-—^
‘‘,.rodd’hwere, littfe^iyeBthan^ipp^s^slaiieiin Europe;
did he see any i,©^ri¥ge^||p machines* which.
^/iwould,require»broad ^©ads,tom$pe.,upon.”
TheMfwhole .pff thek>Go/;Jiin^chine|e. dpmipions, ^iyce
Tung-quin has yielded tO,v%e arms off the late usurper,
fills^he^spacer bet ween thej^Welfth degree of northern
latijtu^e^and the tropfe of Cancer *;■ but their breadth do’-
i|o.b, amount» td >^|-degrees^®||i longituef^ They<$ai|r '
bounded to th^wpstward by adong*;;chain, phiinquntains,
which border, on the other side, on th^kingdoms of Laos,
Siam, and Cambodia. The-sea washes;Cochin-china?and
Tung^quin .to* thej-east^jhe former has Tsiompa to »die
southward, -and the latter the. Qhin«s&vprQyinc^ of Yun-
«ahtlfctbe northward; sj^ife. - Tl^^yhole comprehends
about ninety-five* thuusan d; sqjra.se- naile&4bsfy
Soon after ]\lr.Ja©kson'’s;return to the Lion,, the speedy
departure jaf the squadron was annoup.^,^ to the officers1
of the CooMn-phihN,®government, which- was followed
by a qomplimentaryssmessageidrom the reigning prince,
aocdmpanied .by a-- second present of provisions, particularly
Hoffrice,. sin such a quantity beyond what the
squadrony could consumes that a-part of it was sent to the
Company’s, factory; at iMapao. The Embassador, after
proper compliments and thanks, signified. his inten