Passage to ; The ships spread more> than usual-; frofififeach ottep,
IregijsaitsQf ‘ , ' „ , r « i f i • A ,11 sunda. in. order to embrace a-greater) exitehtf'o»<the'horizow/arrd
thereby have' ac.hëtteri'«hance>iöf/espt^ngi*>any0Yess'el
which mi-ghtife^csfeerifeg'ifrom the Straits of Sunda to-
’■ wardsiEurope1.; - Mdst;persons- inflate Möh and Hindos-
tan .preparedafdn sireh-^mêeting',«* which could be only
of short continuanc£$|by writing letter SJtoYéeitidjto their
connections and feiends^at home1; L'anioccupation which
dfecailed'v <for<;a hftomeht, their- distant cares, 'and verse wed
alft-heir sensations of Mendshipand' affe^an^ - Irs the
ardour of searching! ;for other ships* the Lion, and Hin-
dostah, whohad képiüso cohstahtly/together^ iiiepalsjng
through» Upwards, pfiia hundred degrèes'JOfedatótödep and
stilf-iiiore i of i loh^*tifiedSe|Kirafed,t hy^somevaccidBHt;
now;- fpr r-fihe fesfcttfind Each-‘pursued hik(voutebför
Nort h Island , being the - accustomed 'rendezvous 'ivc th®
fjtrajtjrof §®nda.
j ; The' disadvantage of ^ long continuance at-fe/became
now apparent^, from fehg> Scorbutic symptoiös whSii^lB^
gaja toa^ctisev^ralcof ibotH the ;dreksrS; notwithst-kndifig
thé rieasnréSitahen for the jpnesewation of their health,
which hayefbeen already mentioned;; -"toiwhich may foe
added theukK#f ahthseorbutic^fsuch^as the'iniltüf^öf
soaff^roMit, or pickled cabbage!Iin thei® tfodd#
occasional distribution amongst them of the essetiê^df
malt. They were much: gratified by thé< fednlgeHeé
allowed them of tobacco. It was hoped that the air of
land itO'whfebfe^dyt^^daSiaw-approaehing, and thehkd
ofi/frest®|ft^.fes tapBalfoiind the|i$might.pr0ve.sti- Sundai_
„Wi-effpirt^Knieata-r'.mei officer, of L.ottex-
«eawbenllbeyi-git tato-Afetwent** degree-of
Wide,-/and. in the huridroAh de^S» of- east- longitude
or npwardsheffonte-Greenwich, that-the.appearanceof-
weedi, ilandrbirds, -or- of fisUfeequ'entin^hores, would
ha-^rtinfficated. the^elghbourbood of-land, as Scats
island -anipithe - Tt) ^ /rocks &e laid down thereabouts
i.,^Falt«iarta;;-bntr*0--.nch uadesttwere.-peretaved
until tjefhwsitowithinrseven- degrte* of thedatttude.o
thfe Liheyand s somewhathiiiore than one hundred and
degrees' east| longitude .when they. saw-a^vury
smalHikl-ahdv which' -they supposed tofocthat which- is
c^lled'Glapp’s^ island, pot above seven ox eight miles m
dirctta&rencte* but it is -high nnough to be seen, in
clear weather! at. the d i s t a l of as many leaguest-K-1 he
next day,' being; the twenty-fifth of Febxupy, g g g
theyncarhe-dn sight of the most westerly point of the
H R called Java head/and, soon afterwards,
sakv Prince s island at the entrance of the Straits of Sunda.
The. great island of Sumatra by itssoulh-east, and that
of Java by its north-west, extremity, approaching to each
other,, form those strait*between them, which-are interspersed
with a numbervof small isles; the whole dis-
inferidx indeed in igduadeur to that
of the-lofty-orange of mountains round thediarbour. ob