Batavia. ha®jof;latetasser4edft!feat.chl^thadicw.e(i'per&E«:Sisfe1afe£d
bybhose,^weapons^tbufb notiwibhout having]taken t-hfe
plfeqautibnsob keeping .the. wound dong,open, and pro-,
euxfe^assuppupation. One of the keqiers of; the medical
garden at Batavia;assurediDoetor Gillan, thatatreeijis?
tilling-a poisonous Juieewastiri .that jcollection ; -but that
it&^epialAt-res; Were kept secret &om,jjnost people ini:the
seMement|i lest the knowledge?-©£ them should) find;it$
way to the dave^rwfe® ;mrgh t be hefepted’jto make^a/ip ill
It; : InJdtet^Dfeijhedieal garden, conbaini-ng^it
seemsbihurtful,; as, substarieea^tfsifound
also the plaidsftonr whence is4 made 'th&Ag*Wbifete<fcgfl»t
remedy? oi*iin©Mi;pf Japan* mentioned dn the ^>oi'ks;^r
Sir W illiam 3 T erople |j| it ?isi nothing - more.than, that
&|»0®fesibf;the artemesia,i heffisfe' called moxa^, ©f Linnaeus,
which iis. converted.'* by a moremasysproeessithan would
answer with other plants, into akindof^saft tinderjrea§
pable* when:set- on lire, of acting as a gentleieaustic'ijgajnj
continuing to burn with * an equal and; moderateiheai*as
lid The whole? country abounds with;r esculent fruits ;
and unlike the northern kegions, whose :soil apparently
is barren duringvtheAedious season of the winter,, and
brings little fo maturity, till towards autumn, the presents
ofuiiature, withinithe tropics, are distributed: in plenty
throughoutthe whdleeifcle of the year.. In March, among
other" fruits, the mangosteen was~ripe. It abounds; in
Java* where it; is considered as the most delicious of all
frîd?s*. ^'L^i^^rtl^f^ridtsiniith’èÆwaTimÊStda^liÿ^^g^o
t-H^nèftlward*^ôf thèrte^tîator^a^d^^imebheri; in-^he
W’èsfi Indie^^d^th^ebntoentrc.@fel#dS;;- It is abodt
’^hî^^'at'ëfWpptet a>nd* oo®^Mfi%obafe dark-red r
thrck and firm t ii^dper^ità i i f c f e g î F r ô r f f i s<apd$
dfwBÉh #A\bit^^lpthafifeYerMehems is fcfeoi^ppart
'^Si'ÉèAg the bèrn®%f®f th®S“te$sëp in*,the West Indie^f.
Pifi'ëVppste^aféi|)iknited feà^not in Sgai:demisdbh#»lar^g:
-M ^ ^ M ^ a ^ ^ r # 8 ^ Kkettrainips#M' .heap's, cupon
‘èéf t#lÉi Hiat-feet, ^htfsaMefoEn^nsM'gEàblyofess thaû&sa!
v^herÿ'iA'S'rieyS'i^ cheapen thatifciù England1
ItSw-â’â i^d®fffoh#^teb^^^*arfxswokdMii^tèterfin-
^trumehtfs%fi §fëfelt or; iron*, bÿ, -thnï^gh
-pdf^ ap|4lës^ as.n'oî$taïnii®^i th-eysfero®^eS^iry?nd' -t cheapest
^IdAfèMlësJlY-infi &£ imsfethatî eo«<^eëdh®ri|.
s”im^#m@«the^p ; -and; tàêb ^ipTOe#îêdedai0n\'bieA
'diMf-éYëty* dayP f *
-in-J^^Pà'M'selfe^l^atîn, and>mærshy jitebe«pm-ffirBeii ..
nôxi8#^*f§pi(fMeSfhiü'St nfodeiffife'Êèdlyffe© ©onàtderablaçfibtrt
nêt^many1 ®©iefeâ& 'haippeh dforit. dims! ThA*te®tf&l
ifenartâ1; or tifena, tho1 cMehy-ia-* landïîa® im'all*'differs1 *ndt
Uïuohi in ifë'#^erior forlm^§WiFthe dSGerta-eroc#®»,«
ô^l^ÿb60dileVWhicfe frêt|u'entst'4hffe^h^fe®ls and.
-bis country. The former, hbs^&yer, i*aS,bkfiHfinSs?.thè