Teneriffe. in return for manufactures > -and:.’ th©{|^6tth Âiïiéricàtts,
in payment o£ corn, staves, horsos,-and tobacco. The
lasfjarticlé' isl nontrabàbdÿ a£iid> smuggled, \ Into
Tk@réi^iwM^;jik)nr thé' nkcumstano© afénéfvtf^ità
saiidyheach, whëteithe boâtswith prôhibâtèjf |;oMktëân
in thémight approach anjlleavé:it without difficult
•delaysIs lately increased *in size, and becuifie rich. To*
baeeo m s nuff ! is in uniYersal juse ;
legally imported,* is ;s©ld! >by g&yernffierit at‘à profit s©
enormous, that tthe temptation fS intrcfefttcg it? 'clâhdhP
tirielÿj r lis irieâslibl&j The' rdpal fnonopM^ËëXtfe'fid^
uven t&orohilla , a Weed* Used in dyihg^ It a min'Uté
vegetable, of the -Mehennkind, growin^iifhiefly upon
rocks, ofiailoose texture, and pkduce^^teaotlfiil' pMlpj-
blue colour.
The total net revenue of the '®wn:, after-dfeftâ^ihg
the expences of administration, of all the Canary island^
amounts to about sixty thousand pounds*a; yfeâff Thé
monoK)l*es> not the taxes, are considered to be $he principal
grievance of the inhabitants. The SMgar feairê
cultivated formerly among them more than it is at présent.
One sugar plantation in Teneriffe, which had
been: worked by a thousand slaves, is now* f é ly riiüéh
reduced in labourers and produce. /
Doctor Gillan, in his excursion-through the island of
Teneriffe, remarked, “ that the appearances in it, for
** volcanic formation and origin, are more numerous
*| and more striking7than in ’Madeawih Aik the stones rygnffe.
i of, the; beach;, va$L the-ground and^.^Qckk in'the ndigh^^
» bourhood' nf Santa \Crrrz are,* vmanife'stly’ -volcanic-
There was:,abundance o f compact and^llnlaj lava ;
tfobutrUone of aglassy nature, or pumice, except ip the
Ihnesghbourhoofhof tho.Ee’hk. He examined thestcaaes
“ in the bed of the torrentj anBot the bridge fo ilt aGros&!-
«between Santa Cm® and Laguna, as well' aso thns’eT
“ which ,constituted the • pavement; of?the road- up, the
“ m l Th'euwhole were of-compact lava’, of thfersaine
1 kind and composition asithose with which the Appiatt ~
“ way in Ittfy, and the streets lately d'iscosdefhd ;of.Pom-
“ peias- w®^ payed:} and such.as-are used for paving: the
The buildings of Santa Cru® and
any otherkind;: - On
*f§n^upy iti»pepeared that tl®lii^F.useddbr buildihgil
“ was brought from: some of the neighbouringi islands ;
- 1; no Hmestohe boing found in Timer if f o r i
§j| -Every; ©ireumstane^lhithertofiargned tin favonn of
“ atA^leanie' fermafeion^ exeept the'lminsof 'th:b<mQun-
! tains,‘iwhose irregular ridges, ddclivMe®,! anckaseerits;
‘‘i appeared:.Adenyrtdifferent from! what momaSuns;!. pHo11
“ duced entirely by volcanoes; usually exhibi t fin the
open plain, beyond Laguna, omth!e Orotava!side,i the
‘5 -soil was mot in the leakt#ofeanic 1 but composed? of fine
• ‘ mould,!<«r(what-is. CQmmhnly GalledIvirgih earth; a
“ mixture o f ©lay,5, vegetable earth;-'and.satid. There