Têneriffi: h; or broke-, their cables.. The Hiiadostan -iost^twa an-
‘ - chors, and, had the: gale continued^ might haVe .been
“ in dange®o f 'driving againist ih^ TOeks; ‘ The/iiion
“ happened tee lie, probably? in the: best placed jas^s-he
“ neither drove* nor , did her cables suffer any injury^
“ tho n,Q precaution had been taken to secure them.”
f At Qrotava the only YSMel lying in thé
ohiiged to slip hereaMe, as is the praatieedhbad weather
ther^hhspecially when the wind blows skongl#
from the northward. The road i|S:©nt®elyopen dnPtltifr
quarter; and the surge drives with? such violence against
thekhhre, that a boat can seldom land. The waveshav#
been known to hreal over the tops of the houses r staöd^
ing at some distante from tbebeaëh?; and théi^ine^Pë^
ported firam thence, isjiisually shi^|>edlby#0Mingi#F
the pipes containing it.
There had been a convenient port, on the Hoètb^WlÉ
coast of the island, called Garrachica,
eruption from thé Peak in 1704, whieh- conthmed^ i i
intervals, for two months, when* by the VQÏcaöië iiibtter
rolling down oei that side of the mountain, thë pörti w A
completely filled up, and houses are now èrëfcte#Wdïë#è
ships rode formerly at anchor.
The height of the great mountain of Teneriffe, where
the intense cold produces ice in plenty,’ gives the ihha-
bitants, of the warmer clitaate belöW, the opportunity
of using that substance to cool the wines for thei’r 6wn
consumption. This isr/collected 'by the peasants, in taanSt.
winter, near thfe summit ofifhe?Peak,'3and preserved, in
oaves, pë'a^'.’the^Sk'anfeiaPdöfe ïuglésffshwhere the»great
;@èöê beginsKtb’srise jiJfrdm1 when'öêhtis bfotlght, in the
■summer, to Ofots^d^atad-oiher-pfejces bkthe coast.
W ith in a mile of^fcteJsfapbft «êf'fhöTa'Va>is a'-dolfec-
tidnief living plants?from México,»and other parts tbflth-e
•Spanish dominion's in* Amferida.'' Trom heft'ce 'they are
to h e transplanted intpfepain. - I&isbaS^^sfeablishmen't
o f some- e’Xpehcel- fflfdifiwh'attvevimay feèvifcsbsuccess\vsdt
ahfews sa- daudablefattention, on tehe part tof that goYeTn'r
ment',' to?the?ptdm®tiöh".of>natrU'a'hkhowM©gé.i' a
TheS eiterior practices> of dlVötfe®, to 'every depen-
dency óB Spain, where the toquisi6ibwtaaAes,; *abs®rb,
be employed for the purposes -*of döStttfötiöti. fi Religion
seems* to fee the principal business o f the gentry of both
séxës. Ladies o f rank are »seldom' jtöffcfloui'tof their own
families Itexêqpt in j§pe chtdebes ? atTnafss, at matins, and
at vespers* The-unmarried lesMe in conyewts^and are
often oajoled to (take the'veil, by those who are already
nuns professed,b notwithstanding ;fhh bitter rapelxtaffice
which many of these feel for the vows fthemselves had
The escape o f an intended .‘victim Yo 'devodoni imade
some noise, about' this time^to 'Teneriffe. A young
•lady, daring herinbVihiafe, had, by * pnoptmitei aecMenft