through the
Yellflw' sea. -
shi^j&5 in the1 midst of; theisWj j simple, and clumpy, but
Strbnglattd fobmy, junks bf the Chirt^seNL^Eaeh bf»thesl
Was of the burden bf about two hiindreebtohs .4>Tbd hold;
or bi^tysbelo^die tipper deek, is-di^idedptoft* about a
dbsieti distinct Cbfnpartmenlsl by partitions' of" t^O-inth
plank, and the searfts a#e caulked with a cement of lime,
prepared to such amanner as to__rendeif them peifebtify
ixxipelvibuStb wa®P^ o f j in thstoarine ph8a^v^t®li®g3ii:l’
This cement,' Dbefor'Dinwiddie observesyifi cbfopbsed
of lime and oil, with a few scrapings bf bamboo-; the
latter article Irving' the same purpose as hair in English
plaster.- This5 composition, he addsp bfecoto’es' veify: tetta-
ciobs-and hard; and will' not burn. If, nbtwithfetyndinjl
thte off, it possesses thatTh®binbu^tible^ quality, hgfsino
doubt preferable- tb pitch, tar,-or tallow, none bf which
are us&i'oiver the Wbod'en Wbrk,' hr round? the rbpes’ bf
Chinese vessels.
The' advantages’ arising1* from dividing'.thfephdlcte of
thbsll vessels seenir£b hWve:%ee^W^lL fessp&i^eidi' for
the ptadice? is uniVemai' throughout China. Frbih hence
itisbtoetimestoappensv tbfart one merchant has -Mf ghdd®
Safely conveyfed^sM one divisiony While thdSe ofhhbdler
suffer considerable damage front' a leak to thS compartment
tor which they'at?e placed. A ship may strike
a^tost aifbekffandfyettoobsink; fbrthe water, entering
toff the ftacture, will be cbnfiiied tb the division' where
tbe*dnjuty happens" tiu'be' sustained'; arid a 'shipper' of
foaTe©,J'whodcharier's®SuWbra}b'di'i®sydfi!Sf^h'as .Eah#MaA*ce,' if
oiae,i0ifritK,em.p!rov!eS3ilea'kyp®h'att-tho'fejfebn®Mneid' to' the
r^atodeniaay ;«fe@ap#.d fj
1 To Sthd'ftddptiow ofila'isitK-ilaWpiaft fti -E
d^iBnstoeapa&ffdeabd dppo&Msnfef popster prejudice, aftd
an objection) might^arisC) fMto sthe^Fedac^n'-J'i<?:wdulcf
ofcedsibti Mtighef ^USUfit^^l#r^ghfp%ild the to!e¥e‘aSed
dcffiEtdfyi;:©f JStfewin’g>'bdlky^M!l^fes^if%^^ra#ti§|s: b&
considered too w*J-faftl§]®s’ep0b|^®§m i&Ught’ ft} pTbvMfb
againstuteigFeatePSecUiitpfeTfh^v^s^ef; ’ere-W? MdIttifg©P
At - ariyfratb, ithe> bbjectiGncte?^dnbt ^appl^td^sffip’slf^f
wa^pi-ins^lPch-iBSf^^.fyvy^f'y Hea-V^''b‘dfd€rfs,^s5 riot' an
ebjec&of consideration. g m
-l9®v&&y»j^ktoadTWo lirgd mast’S^ach yftwhidft^^ffiffi
singly tred^ldr piec^bf timber, bf Mfifeieter
muol^gfeateisimjpfbpebtfon'i tO!-’)itsnlCftgthbi:Mri; tha$ bf
European masts;d Thbse>bf^GHinai6afriedr^^^h'a!¥qila!r&
sa'ilIigfiherallymad©tbif4 pMf^bambbS].'andbsbmerixi:lsi§f
maittiA^iGbtopdsM^<of' 's6raw'‘toP$^dspd T h e junks*®#'
nearly ,pf the- SMifeaffaf ^i^^to^tertocfiffemifeiJb|[|ftf
« e ' f a j ’rttddef, |$Mh breadth almost’b^Mlli;fozthMt /6‘f'^
Lolidbn{ figbrik. ss It fiSJgiiMed by fpa^stog*#oto it
alpngeach s?Mg^d&the?v;fe^eF‘s-*qUartbr;'!ThMr^mp’aS’s4’
bb&toi Shut'up in a Small bbWhto^a 'paf tfoftlMlshlpPefe'atty
wrfiiipbndihg^o tfeat where it stands in ithifMjtotfdie^bf
an )Ed|opean''ff Sseh/^ A'baaldfe is*- ffeq&eii)y kept lighted
vox*, i. ' ■ R I