himself, were natives pf France.*; <the other two of Eng-1
la®.(J 58îÀeïlatteEi%r.ed; da the Britisbi;nayy, but after-,
wardsrb,ecomeAmertcansv sailing usually ©àt of Boston ;
that -they ,came, last .from the. .Isle ,de. France, amdilwerfe
deft by !the;iiveSseli?tOi 7vyhich they/ belonged, < the joint
property: of; ’Americans and: Erenebmeii/ aboufe;five
months' sincd/upon this -island, ;for The . purpossa of providing.
j3:.eajrgQv.of twenty-live thousand: seal, skins for
theî-Ganton market, which theythopfed. tq completes in
about itën months .more, having already procured! near
eight thousand. Thémesièlhadtbefen..fitted outat.thpJslo
de France, in the Indian océan.; and whs :now.sgqnfe'fto
Nootka. sbjajpd / bn ffe mortlirwest;
and'rfterwar^Sfof .calling for jth^/çârgo'-of, seal skins at
this placé/to ’fee legrriefktb Fehina likewise • preceding
thus, alternately, ;to, Nootkaand. Amstérdàm. .island^as
long as;thejowners .found theiriaceojunt in it.
, {; ^héjQhilaes®, ibtiefe^s,rhaveiâ pardcnbfilark^dtæssK
irig.sèai. skins / depriving them oF the. longaadiCparsei
hair, leaYin^-only $ie:$ofofur, or.underdown, .apd, at/the
sameTimè/renderipgThe skinjor leather: thin ^nd pliant
The pf iqis of lthose iskins at GarntoÈb differed iront onerto
three, ftMIarSÿ or, more,. according to .their quality, and
the:i4,ëmi#dffoEithem ht the. time. ; Tjiedogdél was, tpni4
babjy, .well worth following, to judge byi the. eagerness
with Yrhich such, an assemblage.of persons had engaged
i-ni'iff Perron: .’bad aigsharerinutile-,genteral adventure‘s
but?'the- people*withtjhdmhw'e# e’1 paid! intprbportion to;
their expertness {kidudffigedcetic Nothing but- the? prospect
oftfeonsidferablebdjvanfa'ge.eouldlbe!, Supposed .to>in-r
diitet any human bMia^s#|)i]i^side^fi£t%^montbs^tbgethier.
in>'d!Ooubtry isoi tmnpromismgfi ajidj f w hick their* occupation
in ifc: rendered! sa$$s$iusfiing. iThey;kilkdjh.^seal®
a s . theyffounditbemfeaskinTg in the sun, upowthi^p^es
every wheremlongdhoisih^^band’rourtd^thpdarge .bason
already, m e n t io n e d .’1'Asrth©.)skihssaldm'eriviere tHeir<qbji'Gtl
strewddl iri J p B hphsbe^asTbi render i*t-diffl.etilte|c8a^oid
treldingiohithern^ in walking i#®c#Tjj A|s|mbkingp.spectacle
was thus, exhibited latyekery?step:,iwhff|ctheismell
infected the; atmosphere Ground. The people, ihuslenb
ployed, -’Twer®, ffor rfchm^most part',/ remark kbl ejtf®
/squalor and frith® f theirpe^ons,'clothes? andrdWelling.
Yet none!of themnse'emed\anxiou.&stoddatchcait an opportunity
of-’abandoning the plahe, before:-the business* For
which>ftheydcameqthqr^ waspeompkteds ? andhorteHbf
them, am Englishman’,-' hadkb^p * thetepforo tithe
on an former’- adventure. They ^g'nklskj.artdi ^appsreiit
anxiety gof two’ lof * tke&eppeoplie, bon the’ hills, -which
>attrkotedesd.-mdGh;jlheunoti^d|j.of; the -Lionel w^^qcisiisiomedoby
the mbveltysof nthe si^tfc/cat fchktJi&mfe,i\Co
them-, ahd the xsdesireyof ^ndueihg .the?!|hf|it't(3 -<stdp,
without,' perhaps/-any distinct ’object® f gratification pd)