through the
Yellow sea.
changewf commodities between this and other provinces
of CMna. Such 1 ^OGircumstanoei tesifie addi»g« to the
population fey £&® many who af'©n80iSsari^
In^iir^i^iaii thjs^ intercourse, -ini rod® cfe&Itmrl of* the
bioVeUfeUt fend fettbferofi busydifd, fhah'is'ggneMM^ofe-
s8fVMiain©ii§jtl®i<jniet tho ind us triou s '«iMyatdh<f HL
soil. ‘Ai'erOSS' the: mouth o f 'the- river^Ya-ma-taoiis a bar,
ovdr which iai^e’ «ftlly^two fathoms-1 and a1 half : ofb water,'
fedt dmmed*a48i^''withonti '^^fodt
the width of the river, from a' quarter to half: s mile-s
.The couritrydmmediately 'behindf the bay',^ttedghfrniot
vaiyrnadon tainons, Ha&'»yet a barren aspect;* and -the in habitants
bead krongTMarfcs of poverty: Between * Zeu-
a-tau point and oneoftKsGfslands to th^BastWardt foTm4
trig theigroip dlread^AdAiotte^ t hcbe^fila'harrow ipas^-
sagi^lying directly! north ’a>ffdT south,; leading lout':of
the: bay )?©f 'Ki-san-sen,f sad through which.«eherefenre
eighty miifey anfften fathoms water close' to; the shore on
either side; but ntatfr the eastern - islands oCttre -same
group, therCo-ari small Sandy keys]: Or banks, which
aretobsHrddd 'only .when they! are very * near,, as • they
are' almdst -lvenowith the * surface of ,the water. The
bluff point, or cape, of Zema-tau is the 'extremity of ;a
Sfifeall, but bold and rugged peninsula, stretching1 to the
northward. Along the centre of the! great ' peninsula of
Shan-tung, in the direction of! east and west, ran a
highirange of mountains, the sides of whi’«§£ Consist in
g-reatdmeasu^e pedpdndicU^bnfand,^haked Uta^Vof the
’'f o B aH m S iu ! r-lhnri-ftrfC-nr gramthiP|Pt^ BtliWdSitf Uto&Hmx -
iAi da^|w^sWQms>umed;!inyt!la@ib^yio£',Ki-san-leu;
©n Sunday thotw-eh^^st, Pro"
t^eemcape Z&ma-tau and tkeCisl^^edp-Migo^ea^ttfic»
thWormer fehan. Wth^fertefe A llpj^thfewesfiwand M
the^utosb rifertli^b! -p©.i^i?! ojfi a’?tau^ws4|$a bay^-dutd
whichise^©iah^s#^s^ore»,slmieiitei>ingl ?Ao dm palithfe
original hi-a^fi^hinav dhiaA^pl-argU' M^teoaafstrueted:
with j|«>©a^pparen^^nracy,?|3y^,h|^^sl©nam'esdi^kBi'
laSft Cehtupyv and-. nQW,im.uheigo||e''s^^bk|a^Eeatkn'd
rhu^(^f^s^&ge|af4pivemihdand‘.6aEdiaVb©u<$i isahero
laididqWm - W** -
The - Getdrse^i after ,yea.BiiigiJth^^t^'oiht, W&swiorth-
Horfch-westofef’ two. miles; thdE ^ n^ t^ ^ ^ ^ s north'?
morth'westyanckwests keep|®giihW^'S«Welfe oxd board
all thmwa^iAfteEiGon-tinmng thustAli the, &i|h%g#%d'
squadron hauled round. a projsqf.teg' headland;
milar> to'thatKohith©* outranc*eyrfpfeh^ba^ofpKi-.sari-sem
Here also all thhrising gro^pd^wertt'G^MdwitH specA
tatorsv « The hillsvhehind tho- edas^afeng-.which! the.,
ships; sailed this; day??bad^a| peculiak.; Gh4¥d^^ands apt v
peared to be rathfMthe effect of art than* of nafeurec-Thei® -
sides wereuidhnded off as with thei-spadei;,.and. on, .the
summit'iofjieachistoodua >small‘heapi©aearthsc in foramof
a barsoW, or ancient builyi ngi pk.de .,uk
3 M VOL. I .