||§jgs& rm§»i»g tovemgn,awho was ia fe ç hîdât o f committing
Yeiipw sea, to paper hisobservationson a variety of - subjects, and
•who, -having cencQusagetl learned missionaries at iris-
«©«rt, had not (been aimtteidiveitojfeeir ,philntophicaî
\\ ^MMtWr^es-iCwiÆisjaccaiï«», “ jl ta&iudbdï&ig»»
‘ ‘.peans .*say, that the needle obeysthe jnorth. In -our
rec°rds it is, said, that it turns to the-south ; jbiat
-‘-«as.siîeithfer ha voe&plaincdLfe'e cause, Tsee little • to ’ be-
■'t^Mteed isiL'adc»ptM3g->cu*e: opinion in rprefeesn^e im th®
“ ofeer».iThefanciemte,: however,. aç©i&st in date ; and
‘ ^4heifkrfeer> ïiprooeed, itheaïw^;I>am®on!4ÎmeBd:©f.their
‘Sikn® wedges o f fee .'aperatemsaand ameohanisaii ofj*a-
“ ttufê. uMcweover^. as t all. taction rheums 'languid, y-nd
“iiaearlyiis suspended towards.the noiiAyâti® Jess likely
etfeat the virtue,twhieh;;gj®esj motion^to« the. uiagnotaV
i t.ineedle<>.should! proceed from that ^quarter. ’ |
lAmalhrsion is made like wise-,to this p.rapPTrfy nf., Ha»-
taagnet, in the books of-Chines&jB^thoiB^yor AbuIoxrs-
portumtof the bastosytoffeattempiEe.. It istheredÈdhted^.
feat -in «the, ueigmnf Ghdnmong* a rehd,-hfeihe\naffle«!F
Tteheoyso; had ifound.^ in order the /better • to elude or
eohfound.dris enemies, the means *of creaüng^at h-isplea-
mtepfeiGk-feg%and~-ev£n utter.darkness ; - toapirexsent fee
âffoot »fwhach,itbe ^maperor. invented a machine, ieon-
sisting ajf -asfigure standing-ana chariot, with oire arm
stretched out, and pointing, always, to -the ^southward;;
whiehpEEcnmstance enabled fee Imperial troops to folloW
thi proper track for discovering and overthrowing
the rebel. £Yäüöw sea.
The Emperor Oattftf-Sheie was well aware, however,
that the needle does not always point directly, either to
i | e ittÜfeSJÉ north 5. and that this declination is pot the
same in all coiititries, nor invariable an fee same plf<te;
bnt the sphere of Chinese pavigktionis-too limited to have
afforded experience or ■©bseTVatiom.'for fo-rfoingifcjay sysr
tém of llaWs supposed i’tOiYg'^V'em thevariation of fee
needle. Their knowledge of fe$.JgeneraTpokrity‘ of the
magnet answers| every pibpo§e,'in'practice; to -feat na-;
tion; and their »researches rupon »most' subjseètó seem to
have heen -dirCcted*Chiefty, audyosbe^to® often cireu«n
scflfe;gd, byfeo^M of utiMiyiresaltittg
from fee cöntirmanèeiofeviéry particular pursuit.
lif e Ghinese'pilötshaÜsoop-oefiasion4o pe|tGêive how
nnich'moïe essential fee perfeoKtoh flif fee compass was
' £$ the bolder navigators* o f Europe, than toi themselves,
as fee oornmanders-oF tltevlion and Hiridostan, «trusting:
to that insaiUBaent, ‘stood out-feT-ecdy from the land into
the Open sëa.'
The track ©f this 'Yoyage is Ibid down i n <fees ■chart- of
fee'Yellow-sea (being 'No. IV. ofthe-large- volumeof ;>ao-
companyingïplatosl) :On fe is’chart ;>as wdfasim fee ge*
neral chart (Nb. I.) of the route frextó Europe, and-return
to it; is marked, -beside/the soundings;fee !§tate>of. fee-marine
barometer, and of Fahrenheit’s--fe-ernaarn-eter,« in fee