tugueze, to 'whom -one of them- was recommended, and
who i^ ^ v e d them withAliVi^®stKG©rdMl‘hnspiitaJityi to
his house,' add* treated them with every species b&lpsO:
pic'al fruits from his garden, lying on each side the river.
He"had'vlfe6n a navigator, and informed them that the
life %f Brava'^ite^fcf the Gape de fitter
and safer places for. ships to call- at, forf. water and prot
visions,"' than the island o f;St. Jagol;Tcthat it had. three
. . ones called Puerto Furno, onithecr.easfo^de
of the ^island, from which vessels must;'iwarpvi(®ibe
towedahfitbyifeoats.;:the Puerto E^effldago,Ao .thecMMtt
and the Puerto Femes' to the south^rwhidfeliWa^i'Af
ib'eSt^for' large ships, arid into which runs a small rivgf;,
In another? of -the Gape de Verde islands, called* Sari
Vicente,;-he subserved that there, wasrhlsb) a= large-harbour
bm the*north end, but that afresh,-.watenwasi at some/dis?
taUce .from it; and there, was, likewise, a good,port1 at
Bonavista. ’
This information o f the harbours rn4hft^feof
was confirmed by accounts given by others^ .(fctoSir
Erasiffiufe Gower, I who recommends .tor make ra t iild ^ fi
them; ;
But all the islandshf^Cape de Verde:were said tor-h-ayfe
jexpeiienced the same long drought, and- torbeyiconsfe-
quently; in a similar state,of desolation. Tho they axe
■about1 twenty in number, including the smallest and
most insignificant; their present reduced. population
littler^!gefidsi.fortsyItwck (fhpuFsaiafd - inhabitants; of whom
afe®ftetwelv^thou^a'ndK%4 a®-'^t^ | be ini -the .island of
Stijjftafp thonsaii'cl in'jBojiaK?is,fea; ± seven thousand
in .th ^ s l# of Ma^|sisijtli®usai!d in that o f San Nieplas
the#&id'^ft%jpf the BLshapo^hoj^a^e.de'lVerde^, and
thaipleasanjfestMf th g h i^ |f^ jf0u r 'th 6usamd:.in' S-ari;An-
fonao-;! as>.manyin P h ^ ip p e ,d e Fjjpgby}remarkable
-.forva; vnlaan ic hre/^UnstaM'-jiteissxiing' ffpipltbe a
•mountaiii iifc >its. midd-lg-; n oi maA^mprefth^-U %ff i hu-n-;
dred in- the d ^ ’of Brava;j?andj^Bfewirt fet^e-iremain-
ing isles, not sj^^'raied.: .
•^^jKhfeisipidi oii|^t :rj,agp| ‘, sputkrf^g s& isjdjpyonly,*1
3 G il laneo^feypdtHth,anyikpSpearance'« -^f&vplT
V-: canictformation.. About twt^&iie^ffrdm. Praya, bay
-a^eryhigh hill, hltogetherdc'orn|^s,^o|;.clay and
s‘f0S-and,siqn which n o t' the,|Wsb;marks;,ap^ear-io&Jhe
f^aetipn-.ef sfiret; .About- six .miles, near the$road,.frbm
y (-the&|pwnof Praya to. that b'f: 'St.■ Jagb^.is•-^nb-ther- hill,
“ f alnio^eAtirely composed, ’of rich iron,^nej;o£a deep
V.;:i|4<3 ^purple'^fbleur, ^fb^mtd? of .^ l^ i qakjk&E iron','
“ and- sp%^o«s!earfrh\ Inf,the - rocks bpppsite ^ o ’goyer-
t e a g h ^ 'hnif'% near) Pray^^e|seyeral\hafib^iperp.eridi-
« c u la r ^ n f of \^hijtl'spa;r. T^efbe'aphii^boisfe^wi'th
_t, ,In;to .Pr^-ya bay, while .t^ e^ io^ a n d Hindostan74 a y
tb^rfe. (came- sgMerai tradinffiv^sMl^llo'm Dunkirkv; one
of th.errij attracted ,notiee,|4l beingrtha^ which*Vks ;6>r-
■ $ 0$ % ^ f f j j l i i s T
JS&, Jago.