Batavia, being indisposed,. he -pressed tohspend some tiiire at
one bfthet&overnoi?s bouses^ at:.iau3onM(}efc§Me'4istance
from town,“ and’ in% .veosy/plèasant and' heahshy' spot;
amidst tfe-fflaounitains. Rut cite« thmight/dP feié wpffl^wfe®
\\ pro.efeeddiSpbn bis mission, as tsoon as the' ships .were supplied
with what they wanted 5 and he’ embaikedr from
Batavia % .on [thé seventeenth of Miff eh / in order to be
ready to-ehter)into Ahe/Straits of Banrca’as soónaSjfchè
monsoon, dr periodical. current of the wind, blowmgdra
these séas/for about tsix months1.with a northerly/and
six with a southerly direcöon5 should be rfavouiab^ dor
vessels bound tp.Ghink from thsiSputhWadd . Tbeëhange
which *is ; gradual* begin® fretjuë mtly rtor taEef^aeéïaBout
this timer-/. jwjjjWBBWWWy - II "" JpMRI "farq&Ht.
. The Lioh fin iher passage dram Batavi a ; toxiched.nptin
a new or unnoticed Juioll, with fthiree; fat'hams/deptB of
water/over it. This knolldid not&exeeêd; the si^iOÊ i
long boat, with six or seven fathoms water allToundit!
From (this spot ;the westernmost - windmill oft vth|9diij
reeningzisland bore:Soufcl\-south-east; and thé hospital
on Purmerent | island .south-east * by east; ;As the bhip
touched by the\stern, the- guns/at that .eirtremityiWere
movedi forward towards, the head4 the hedge or/small
anchor was. carried out, .andvthe ship was: warped, or
towed towards it, and got clear without any dkmage;
Had the; knoll risen. nearer. to the'surface,: theaceident
might have bdeh attended.with< serious 'Consequences;
a^gradery s aph? aprh ejiackall \ya£ meant
was/nfowj ron-ohrl -fel tuas- .she might havé p j^ e d e d i
th e la rg r^ sh lp s.;apdi.spjundkd' th,e <|&pfeh/
unknown ,aèr/sn’§pMted x plape. T h a n y \ ,Cdm-
missioners -at GaMorffJfa dj|3estvnied^w(a small, Vessels „bel
longingdovethe Company! for, this Phjppsei;>,hntiin their
late dispafohes to;t|he,Emhkgt^.pr#^Ageiyeel b y l^q id t Bir
tavia,fthèy depressed, their thap. tlj fJiAWffite
Still otherwise ,,e$nployed.' * It appeared ïthafe^êhMhQuld
thejaok'all join*, anotheryes^pl would still b ^ /ise fu l; and
'th e E mbassado^shnt back to.Batayia^ .purshase speh/a
Mpp as, théhse^ice&ré^uCEed p ;to .which
speptio AdiiröralihelDuhe.pbClaTenoerhègJiyh/bisiRoyal
Hi^iness’s/Rarae. i
o The,little squadron immediately^,p^c-g^ded;towards
thë:@pehkig)wKicb''leadsj tp theiStr^if^of^a-hscptb
Jshmdiof Sumatra, on its eastern side* th^hfestdro
side^bf those Straits^» its.-koutherh.fextrémifcyi£o|feas; the
northern side of/the Straits of Spnda.- ^dadMip^hp,
anglmmade by.thosëdast m.entibnfed Stradfcsv* »bd uwUh
a'^vfeWAflnto’■ thosfe, of Banba^s/siteated'^L®cth Island,
already1 itóitiphhdhas! the rendezvous 'agreed'. upon4 in
case of separation / The .depth df.water-is yer^irregblar
neko that island, the water shQaMngddn.,spipd3spotsf,|in
#nej castv feoin twelve to..seyemfathams/and»dm,others
from, seven i tor four. This;iiri?egularity: Wasj \oftqn .obi-
served. throughout the ;Straits 5- beside whafe was occav
Straits, pf