Navigation Friday the nineteenth of July. The wind From eàst-
YàjmLmif sojithreast to north; the -wèather hazy. iTEker squadron
r ÉQMfÇonsjdépng itsélf as sufficiently .cléah'dfcthe Shaib
tung peninsula, and ha^ingÆoünded therextrémeieastern
l?nd of China, steered west by north^At midhig'htihere-
wp Sft vesy thick a fog that it-was thought, advisable to
lie to. When, iin thecQursewnf the= follp^ngi mornings
it . cleared up» the ships and brigs . found. thèmselves
close upon a*small rocky island* bearing south-east half
east two miles*, and from a point upon the i continent
withèlàt sèmhdaàsit half east five miles. Here is *an&ap-
pearanèe of a convenient harbour, at least* for vessels
hot drawing much water. Soundings, three ?miles from
the shore, sixteen | and eighteen fathoms ; bottom soft
c . .The weather being now perfectly clear, the squridron
made sail.ancfstood to the westward, in a'CoursejparaMei to
the i coast, at the distance of five-er six- mifasayfeumrthe
small island, last mentioned, the westernmost visible point
of land is a remarkable cone-shaped hill, which terminates
a range of broken mountains, distant from the island about
eight leagues west by south. Part of this coast is rocky and
barren, but in.general it is level'cultivated ground, termi?
pa ting ina sandy beach. As soon as this last conical point
wasrloubledby the,squadron, a second came in sight, haV-
ingnear ita small hill, with a knob'upon its top. Between
these two points a course was steered nearly due west,
withimtwo ©Kfchrtee miles of the’sharfeydn^eVeu or<~eight «jjj«*»»
fathoms water. - W-ast crowds p^peofil'elpwcre,thesd'&s- ^ellowse3-
<p^_ssi«N^e^dnd- -t-he-djiiSt «peiJttVi tpe squadron -into a.
deepbay, t which ƒ tb^saywas
the harbour'they? had.-mfefl¥®U*ed^Md|^t^®y;ileft Chusan|
as-,fit to:^©Gei#%|hei'!Sq(Uadrop.r!, But it- m%#ph> discovered,
bp the- ffieapss.of-'therpeQjjlJis wAtoAb Curiosity
had attfitetedSfrom th^hStrejHhaslhthis the s$ #^ f Kisah.
«e«;'*aiid' that-, the M$bvo#-pf-Mi-a|ta'u was'in^aSi
island^ disfanpfiftfeen? leagu|es ifarther hortl&fvv^stw^Ww'
differingdu latitude $#j^yute^o]|!y,to the northward^
■r*®ie-bay* of Ki-,sa-n-:s©u -is spaeious^tandwell sheMer-M
fk®mjh every windb except* <,€r]ooa1 east-north-east'*east-
-ssujh-east'i b^iin^the'direction.* of the eritrancepintb the
bay. Ituss.shiut in to< th^nortbward’' by a igipup Sol tengox
twclweij^malhinlands:, and as number ©>£ la'rge'rocks^' an,‘d
issineidseddby the,continent.on the westefaitarid-southern
sides. -/This bay.e^tends< frpmPffast; to weM-;E^leastdlm
ndiesyand nearly‘pmxabblrpm north to^bhthb Within
it>gret|wp.\ harbours s ibiie^-feeh-iiidva high bluff -point,
cMled Zeu-a-tau,*fwhicfc’,h^s cfdnrjfethbKi^idefltht^f water,
and bad-in h#greatmumb^rtof Chinese the
ojther behind a small pfbj-ectii^ton'gue of Jandddh' the
South-east side^tdhdbfy, in the rabuth of a river called
Ya-ma-tao«r The number ®f junks, pblc^ve'diin almost
every bay along this cokSf, iridicates^consideraplctiriter