‘ ‘ King of Great-Britiin; hut bdrig merely. ;tepresert-
“ tati-ves of the^Ekst India Company; he^did not let'«lip
I‘ th r if t asion ftoljiterpfex: And oppose themhy&everiy ai|-
“ tifinEin his power.”
The Eool^^itioriCsuverrior of Canton^ was likewise
istfll solicitous■ to diseoVer the private objd(its .©f the
bafcsyf| and ivapas® dthht someof-tfeem hrighiffrelate ti>
persons w isftttan
to Be 'concealed at
to:die comteisyoirflSitfeatv c;S;ifi^^ihouldid^l»s«lftetn
i 1 to hgmp&ie would co&fih&rthe matter within his own
“ •hreayi?, and that ,of the Emperor.” The YommSs-siiteefe
veryproperLy replied that - ‘ they weiEignorarit -of^py
‘ ‘ wrews -ttside those whicfoobviously ©ecurred of priy-
16 i®g' a j Ust -compliment to Bis Enperral 'Maj eihy, and off
‘‘ cnWvurirrgrrhisifBiendshipf/buttBatifrtBere-wereany
| ‘ 'other,' they were undoubtedly confided to the firate-
11 sador itkffif&H %
i t was perhaps in the hope ©f penetrating into ;i#«oSe
s^posedUHtendcms, arid, if anyfluefe-dbere .Arere,;ofts)b-~
sti^thrig/the prd|ress' bf the Embassy, that thercemmis-
sibndrs wereffcpeatedly urged to write to the Embassador
to; stop at Ganton, where »all foreignvessels canre, iri-
stead'of! proceeding to Tien-sin’g. And-tMs #as4prbfebd
witfesseriiriudh 'earnestness, that the -commissioners Testrid
it irisuffieient •fot' them rto observe that “ it was neither
perhaps in theTlmbas-
' itw^Mîùâ- oStfat deYtatinaajfrom dhe order??
“ Be'had^pee’ifweMupcm#ha®s!ubiie;ô0<<’îlta»é they thought
i^p^d#®Mf^4&llfeeytK^ifttekûmpia®|àabiàfty that, anÿ
a purpose, could fall in^wiiishliheïsfûAonwhaviaa|g«his
EmeMency? Ȏwboard ii -3&hey indeed^ afterffeuish a
déclaration, prhGlraHd^irrimiappl^^pfÿonpilat® dovgèriin
ggasttlisipi die squadioii.;iuom}lBe southern extremity« ot-
Çhink^'apd ttoérefonÉjj^^ueafe^pihh^thateii^h’ should
rid'Jt'ïhnreadiriçsÿ» at tWlporfeoh Chin sap, in tlie provindè
^phTcheTt©hia®^p|iid'lat HhatlofppFifcB^hâii i in' thbtptd-
*• làiir.tuiiigû.'b‘«th©<>m -the* eastern©FbastAoI llftf
“.fijnpjyfeag d&ïVVas pBoba<ble^fe®' -that pilote)'fromFtehose
-,■ ip.oitf^woy-ldvbc;ldftqi«ho<(uailired with-tbe&owfeftotip
' Bga-ilf ol Pekin-,than those 1 (is id in gwifi\t*gJKii.ter. cl is'itmee,;
<^itdîapp.egLgdtarl§oAàk!phu-îsanv tkepoàfe first mentioned,
‘ igh^dr in ? former times bee»visitedilhy fehé Company’s
“ sMps,:;andriCould:'n®feeasilyftbejmdss©3ri: NehhfSib/waS
“ it u-nliLcIv that the^expodition, ibmot tire sufcc^sa'of
“ the»:©nt&rpriz-e; trwouldrheqsecured by udoptifigpthat
‘‘-modo, »instead of briisgingnpilofe toCantonR p^teféftheir
'HdriJteTg©i tyi migh^b^dxp.os;ed ,to thednfluence, and in-
11 .tjÿgjaes^of pensons'aiv»dwedîyïadiseAs^fe@t.tte»”Embasày.”
Notwithstanding 'fetfëLjealqâsy enfcerfeaàùeckby thë other
European factories«, ’“ rsôms of thèmsrthe.Dutch in part
ff tfeplap, had lakeady? jsinéésthe notificalion of the Em-
“ bassyy availed fhemselv'ds of the new influence "of ; the