for the-:
tkepjoHeB&iemed wliatwthey • thought ‘mi|§hkhe -most
acE©®t^bfe,.,';!iGn tMs
c<dhktedrfirotrt whatywas known , t0‘ bei in thab|ifeatest
detnahads iomd rtcxihkaip the bigheslaproifil,
Extraoidmaiiy pieces ?©f lagjeaM«^a8dj«^pplieated--ate%
chanism,t?set»in frames «oftpreeious metal, studded with
j^B^^dbiprqdiKin^^Jtfefme^-qfiiijteiBSil Bpripp
arid wheelsy movements ^apparently - hfedi
no sort of use ; but the* imagination ithe' go>ybr®ing
mandkrines Haebbeen struck .by them p and an iffl<im?#on
often followed jfo.'tbe: natrycmierchdnta'to'prtfcffiiprfhQTO;
no.-that ten at what.pricee elbfe:)mandate it was dangerous
to disobey^’ :and! tbeumaehines! wseK^aftbhwards
aceeptedv fnrimlfy;,! a&igifts jw a?sumn«hi;all § a%d dispf dl
portionate to the'cosbywas pkenrin iieturnifof khiiraiii*®
order, 'that the transaction .might have the? appe&raamb;©f
a common purchase ;m !Ioys ofi th is-kindy oY s?tigs-spB^si
according to vthe ’corrupt gargoni bff.Oanh>hi 'tp:the enormous
value of, at lefesty a'riiilliorr of pouriddlstiarlsHgi
were* in this mahnery;dntrodticed. iby privatefdjOiadefps
into China. Most of these expensive articles. found
their way, finally; into the palaees,of the Einpre'ror, find
his ministers;'. Havifig been obtamedrby!fche?m,aaidariries
of Canton for little other consideration than the promise
of protection to their:inferiors, they were, affer-a short
time, transmitted without reluctance, by them, to Pekin;
in dht&hope? ofitke^ehy^einafing , the;,faiyoUr of their p^ ‘fD‘
• 'superiors . * y oÜv1 Éf lrl..-....U... . ; . $$ M p. l ” • y E'mbassy.
idû. wquld; hav^been vain think ,ofiSurpassing, in
publicjipresënts fkthis kind-j eithey /is* do workmanship
or xcbstjO hhut.Hhadcalreadyr b’eenoconveyed.-tbJhGhina
tbroulgÜ privfiteeehannels ; . and it wajs- to^e hoped $iat
the-monientary gratification);jpro'dneed, bjjk$Ms^| gaudy|
trifles, had/jbeenbitiatedoby the accumulation :of them.
But it -was. 'lhoûghfe that" whatever ttendedi tp; illustrate
seienoe)(tor.p)romQ.fe;the ^rts-j would,giye rpore-snUdy^nd
pmmàn^nît^4|y^sfen%ni to a. prineey:wào&enîime ©fs life
WohM, naturally© lead him teuseek, imevery
ü^lity ©f .which. itywas|&i|S,G4ptible: I ,
;I Astronomyubeing i a. i&oieBcfe,. jpeeuliarly? esteemed #n
tChina, and! d<^.med^whrthyl;ofc thi&iatfeention I and Q^Pr
patioh cokthe^goverriment, Jhe; latestiand' mos| ir^proyed
instruments fori assisting!^foperations;,. asj w#fb âsithe
-»©lit p e if^ i inliftaticm thatlïhadf.yefe been made^fnh^
celestial (movements, couldscaroely failts^Jbeingi'ic-'
> Spëeimens. olithe; best: iBririsbimanufaetniès, iftndl &U
A e Ikè lnYeÉtitins foi. addingi to the conveniences and
comforts oksoçial lrfbnmight answer the donble-'purpose
nf gratiifying those! toiwbonr thep;were tOobÿp©3§©nt©d,
4n'd df excitipg! a mora>gçrieifa/l «demand jfonthe piurehaste
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