jm. the/seamen, yoidsiintoothe
sèa and were drownedtias
% /The squadron detpimmed to* quit’ their present station,
in hope: of finding ta better, at Nicholas point, .which
; is the most npdherl^qf Jkva. They found' it j in ;ÿaétf
free from swamps and fags ; r theiJand arndisgaï breeds
constant, I and |the -air .generally clear, with -Very fine
weather/ while deluge, of raintwrere bfeservéd to-fall on
the opposite shorn.: Tho the passage through thoStraits.
towards. China, or' from I it, be sometimes ; quicker, by
keeping on the Sumatra: side: than on that! of:JaYajtthe
delay of ;a day of two is well eompens^fid^by th^'glea^r
safely of %the <erew. The’distafisc.e fE©inaI*f«th»I»ladd3ë0
Nicholas* point is about ifighfeens mdesyand thé^piæM
north-west and south-east,: i
Erom ‘Nicholas bay;-.| àH^cecdm^a^BCeÿ^th e nex t is
the* bay of Bantam/ lamed formerly for being: theipEm-
cipal rendezvous of the <shipping^fiom Eurof^Tun the
East. Bantam was the great.mart dor pepp er and tother
spifces, from whenee they wereidisteibutieditOf tbèdt&tëÉfi
the world. The* chief factory igdrtheÆnglïshya^wselhS
Dutch, East. India Company was settled there-./: The
merchants of Arabia and Hindostan resorted to it. fTts
sovereignfttwm'e so desirous of erieouraging trade, fbyqp.‘«S
ing security to foreign merchants against the violent and
revengeful disposition of the natives, that the: crime of
murder ^wasineveF.-pardoned*when, committed, against a J^
stranger, but.might hpfeomnmtedhy a. foreigner for,a
fine to This.pkcejflourishedifor,
ajcensidea^dme Di#ch having
conqueredithe,peighbouring .p'royi^e of Ja£atra,i whea?e
they since have W t Batavia, and transferred- their prin-
hipal'husdnesst^ife.; and .thei English having removed
to .Hindostan and China*, M trade* in,other Respects,
having taken ^newicourse, Bantam jpgpjfeduped^a poor
remnant*of^ts^former* opulencep*4 impertarip^,« Other
ciECumstanqes^f^ssg^ajcthleJlated, its^depline. t*The bay is
so^hojtedrup with
d®;wpdianMfefee m 0u n t a im , i ‘a*)'welha.^bJy„.coral5shoals | g |
tending a <^sicfera$e*it&£i tm «^eastward, thabh: is
ihaecessih|e,#at present# to*ve^ls>ofehurden ; SW4he
party,-whqj^ 11*. therefrom,the. Lion in | f l |
was.obhgeeUo remove into a^anqe, in, order, to .maeh th|
town A* fire destroyed most g g | | j g’ W
few havebeensine^built. Witht%hadf qf.Bantaih
the-pxjv®ei|}flsfi. its. soyereighl 4eplined. In hi%ycars. with
ojfierpf ince%.ofi J d-Y'3*^stanpe^of> the
Dutch ^4nd' fromithat period he became* in facts dheir
naptive.vaHe resides in.a^paface, built in the. i^^Jjeam
style, within afort, g a rrh a% # te4 et^ ® enit {]com Bata"
v-ia, o f which the -commander t a k e s ^ ^ © ^ ^ ^ ^ 01?
the King of Bantam, but/from* a Dutch chief e|nor.,
who.; lives in mother fort jBpining) the gown] andyaearer