Polo so nearly to each other, as to appear, from several points,
olldore' - to join. They all seem to bp the rude fragment's o f prb
raifrv#- mountain®, separated from th@:gre®f continent in
the lapse of time, Thel-principal ^island is eleven or
\ twelve •■mjliBa-.in- length, and aboui three in. breadth. It
is in the form jspa crescent, and - consists of a ridge* of
peaked hills. Its latitude, as calculated from a pterh
digital observation, is eight degreestforty minntes north
from the.equator; and its longitude,bceordingto a good
ehroji®n^er#is one hundred and five* degrees» fifty-five'
minutes east from Greenwich. Mr. Jackson, whosound-
ed in the bay, happened to land on one of these islets»,
where he a turtle’s nest upon. therheacfr,! containing
several youngjust hatched, with a sort of placenta;
adhering to their bellies. Each iohthèse young turtlos|:
capable ©Ingrowing tos> the weight of severaf » humclred
pounds, did not exceed a very few. opnemmow, an#?«».,
but an inch and. a half in size.
The English had a settlement onCondore untiltbe
beginning of die present century,; when some Malay
soldiejs in fttir pay, in resentment for some umjustifi?-
able treatment, murdered their superiors, with the
eeption of a very fow who escaped éff the island» where
®o Europeans have since resided1. At the bottom of the
bay Wias a village situated close to-a fine sandyfoeaeb,.
with .1 lei^laàngfc nf eocoarnut trees before it,.and-it was
defended from the north-east sea.by a reef of corah rocks»,.
Within which wasj good ànchorâge’ for small vessels,] attd g^dafe,
an êasplahding foj^hodts. A ppt^werit on shore with ""
theïpreeautis^ô however,, of beingarmeef aâ IpgecaMoSs ''
werer.espied within th&reëf, whiefomigfot have free»MaL
iaypirates.. S.eve^bpf the inhabitants’eaiti&t© tfr&lfe'aich,
■and .with the appeafânefobf much urbanit^tof man®ifr¥r
jwelççpaiêd them oni .shore | andi'joorïdùéte^.dhem t® fhfe
housctof their.chief It was a meat bamb&otOabin, fergef
than the,'rust. The, floor was; elevated % few*fee#;âbb^
the ground,land stfBwedfwithRinats,-- .on which Weffe^s*- '
stabled as manyimgnlas ithe piste could hold; It wâ's
appar^ntly^on thefbcoasiomgf some|fo|t|^É|#'ôi? -tpieMbr-
able meeting., Tbetp^as-in ,ohè.of thè>âpk-FÉmfefrtsf an
altar deibrnted with images-; and th ^partitions'hung
with figures of monstrous deities ; but tlM'ebOnfenMdes
^^di^lëtebte^sèf-tfcdfMseple* èopvgÿed'us» idea ô§té&
gious aw.er .and no person. was- seen in thel.po^BS^ of
prayer, or adoration. A few spears-stood àgfiïMi-$aiè Vül
with their points downwards,, together wit#Wmlë nïàfëM1-
focks and a swiv’elwgun. The.d r ës s >
composed ehiiefly of .blue- cotta®., worn tebM^ about
them ; and their flat faces and liMeWÉyé^h dèboX<§efe*| ,
Chinese origin or relation;. Several fôiîffsMps5 ti^iapëÿ'
hanging from the eeiiing,;• were^dverfd- With:,cbliir3lfe
okiGh^W^Wfiting. One«ofth.e missi#rfaiiësl^whb-Wâ^
of the party, could smbt, hotever; in ariytdt^fe#|ra’rfdfef-
sland their conversation?;, but? when the *were