After having hauled round this; last projecting head*
through the t 1 rr- • ' -t r ^ '?■ land, a e ther, bluff point appeared due west-from the
former«, and about eight naifes..distant from it. Theisbere~
between those two points formed a kind of called
('j^ i ^&h.oQirfoo bay. whichis openg^the east and west-,-
but partly sheltered in the- mofthera iqnarter by.gneaups.
of siaall islands, scattered about at different distaneeg,
from igyd males tru tsvd^^as manffllspgifes, ofir theimaiaite
shore, fn th'e large; chart last menfroned,: tfc^edslands
appear tn extend twobhirds . of the hreadth of the :^s
in this past,: lea»ni0i©ply/3 strait between.:the;opposite
pr^eeting peint of the proYinee ’of 'Lea-tung, and the
n«Bth#-ntiaosfo chaster of those*, islands*? Among, these
islets, remarkable, for^the,regularity ©fifthe»
form as. truncated cones.,* and looking_like gbsa-hdrhes
rising* from , the - sfea-. They were, mosfr probably5. pro*
duced by the^^plosifiUi: from vnleanosNoft matterj of such
light wieigki, aind impelled with so moderatevafore®* as;
to, continue. wherd Jfrnsfi itj fehl •„ and, thusv gradually ft®
wdftii heap, assuming the regular ftg®r®gn8fi mentioned.’
i *
.The sduacfroai catnhtQi anehdr,dri sgyenifelhoms water,
in tK®. ^ y efc Tenrchdat*ft)Qj within two or three miles',
nbiifih-east n£the; city of that name. The; anchorage, was
foul, wiihihapi: groxind and sheila. The Clarence was
therefore immediately ssettfc in examine the neighhburing.
harbour of Mi-artau,. mentioned as a place of safety, for.
thfeiinuadren , Injfche,. rfiean time, its .„arrival and pur-
pofee jwere announced, b^ban dfSber ito6thef ■ governor s öf
Ten-ehoo.-foè.,j^ldt§x#fndn.aïion; of ; this name denbtesj
indhf• Chihese iangurigev that it w as^eity ofotihè ’ first
ofder, having sfey eraf middling .and; small tôlw-ns sAbthifl
its jurisdiction. It^asibuilf on a. rising, gfrmrid, hmdsap-
peared ferge from thje.shipsi ddck«?»'fnd was fortified by
a t'^on^^alhÿojundvitt
While Europé'.vyet. Was barbarous, and individuals
çolhoted tbgetherlfor.thmsafetyiof' tbeirlpersons ffidlpro-'
perdes1, ehspence ipmkdiffieuky of smroundift^fovVns
plthfdÉiâcBtions.i introduced’,fprobabtyf thê?etistöid M
budding hkusps.'isonshtingi,of several. sjsîiks* m 4 dbrs,
onejfooye another,nik* ©rddrfthatthe dxtén't öf 'dit, pê&-
teotingfwall might be the' lesf Considérable. Tftei'gt'âfé
of,js,ooiefyi mii'Æ hav^ been ./different in^ thistpkfPöf
China, when nhe ,'fdftift.cdtiens .of'Tên-ehbö-focï were
erteed 5 for ùk&yinehfded no small proportion ôïgfduifd
not*oQ©uipied by buddings? andeifcbtr this oîfp rlas expected
td, increase in'Mouses to a number, it has not yet
àttaii#d|K of tWe;vaieant*^iwe|wap gtlldttedfornrilitaiy dr
othen asqroisîes;or oecùjiations.. ■ <
i'Tbebiy, or:rather road, of Temeh©cpfö(?^nfetidn-ly is
open td the eastward and westward, but isiïôt well sheltered
from thenorthwafdi'teheMbafctM MAids-beingtoo
distand toffrreafc off’ mucknfréitteeffî'Vïiô® or AWdlkfrom
that quarter.. . The anchoring: ground consists; irt ?great