Jjggg». QPfeB'S«*i''Wtt«e no shelter is. afforded. A part, no doubt,
of the waters felling from the mountains I# colleetedfinto
streams whicfeswell, !by their union, into rivers ^ hut
the motion which had been acquired by? such watershih
their descent I o n dheheights, will; in some <§egfi^.>hé
afterwards retarded, according tojtke èxtent o filt eohatry
whiqffthosè^iwera have to traverse. The land appearing
to gain gradually here.upon. the sea, and eonsêquenfa
the extent of flat, country - being: upon the ihci^se^ -the
rivermayhe supj^sed to dose-somewhat ©f the foMe with
width it used Ao ?canry\and disperse into théj g ulf the
earth it had brought with ifc-ftóni;; tfafe mountains. This
earth, is at length accumulated a little, below the river’s
mouth, and forms the. bar which- crosses ?it completely^
The bar does not, howeVer, materially' obstruct the
nayigation o f Chinese ships. Thttób.fè^manysr^3ègêjftï
here ©f three or four hundred, tens,; but theysareiGftn?
stracted with bottoms so shallow and flatland withupper
works so light, that several passed qvex the bar; into Ihf
river, while the Jackal!, ‘of ahout one hundred tons, with
much difficulty- . ’could' follow them; the latter, being
huilt for mv^ating;-with the Variably and , frequently
adverse winds of the -European;sgas; and drawing, on
that , account, double the! quantity of water, or, in- other
words, sinking to double the depth of j unks, or Chinese
vessels<of equal burden. The! inconvenience è f falling
much to leeward, with a side wind, to which the flatbottomed
vessels o&EuEOMegaredAableiijs .not vi|4p*Wiu.ch
Mt in the Chinese ^eas,5,wh,fKfevedels. s^U.generally* with YeiWs&.-
the monsoon direcdyrm'their fayt«^!: 'ÏEh^daibu too,, of
Ghineié.junks are nrnd^jlgo; ;round the mast-awitlpsp
muchièdse-,: arid- to form;so. acutd .tin angld-with the sides
of*the‘Vessel, that they turn welf’ii>pvimdward,.notwith-
standjng the little-hold i they h av ©tpfr th e, iwirte.4 bn
Mf. Hiitner, the foreigner meiiann^j-in the, second
gliatpteijluf this jj workf>and-.vshb; actiomp.anied Captain
Campbell in tin®expedition invthejJ.aekall,r; reported; that
“ he >sar\tj on5 entèiang^ihtpjthe j'riyer, ,a vastmumbeb of
‘ ‘ junjks ; all crowded with-people, manysdflwhom ;.we re
probably attracted By* thenrifo velfey ©ban Europdamhes*
“ sel undeosailo ’On , b q ar drshch;!of the; junks as>:>\yere
‘ conducted, with - oar si, the^aailoTSJ-dvere, [animated, by %
! very melodious songmhegfltmrjhyr the. helmsman, .and
“ anawered by the rowers.. It was nhtdifer^Iy m amused-
Ahmenfct but-served ;to fender the motion oflSwo^ramofe
‘I-.equal pand -to.hxthe.4attentibn'bfiithermen that .used
g$ them.dTh&tlankall wais soon tiotiestedhyi Ghihesersoh-
| | diers« in .a-boat, desiringeher ,to tanchor^ qndjiWait the
.h irrivtilofa m!andarine, wh®haddhquyies to mtiMshifeoat g
her. - This gentleman made.hi&jappearahee’,pjfesèhtlyi
ó‘. with sevepaliadendants, upon the JfcMaMkApIti| As
'Hlsemafes- he was-'&atisfied that she bojongedAothdeAP
“ peeted Embassy* he made': many ’inqiiiblos ahaut*thè
‘ ‘ Embassidorjifihd di® .^lre08ntsJbA«»ght>foq his- Imperial