Navigation “ tionsthii's communicai^dfit© him, but his Excellency through the | . , ‘ . /
Yeiiow sea. th^tih#ishauMihave>;bGisaffiba to ap-
<*s pr(Jvg’3%f ihe conduct ^feSif Erasmus:;.; anti had pp||
I* usefuUy.iemplo^edTor
iivtKfe Jnp®hi: s®ff tee|” iiu
' ^ El^smus" Gower “ had no difficultytSri 'savin g-,
“^ h l a - h i r p®opl^A'of ipart iofithem,
#Hhe'rshould‘ be ‘ableto1 visit thfe different places men-
*! tioraed in the-Embaksador’s instructions; that he would
':cc hiW-fbe1 bay df Ki-san^sitd strictly examined jiand
<<?;®kSSi1 that place furnish security for the ship, he
“ would stop' thefd to'nJtabfish 'the ihealth'©Edihi®ww‘;
“ if :it d$d riot, h'efcbnceived' if would' be hecesssU^dbr
“ him to proceed vt(fChu-saa; that diletter would be de-
. HE Mranltffto rbe' obt»ififi®t front :g(i^effldBWKt far him to
places^ th'af !hi-#^|lt be 'supplied Witkagfai^h-
“ ihenfs^ 'jafad the use >&f a building fdr the -.lipEoand
^ fedhYateieiMfs,’"orV &t anybfate;' & piece ohi^S»i*®3 on
“ Which5’ teftts might be erected for them; thatj hisriatv
il tentidn ’to-them^iehdered^it ‘incxiinbent upbahim to
’ the proposal, however desirable, bf gding to
^^efcin, that he'ffilghl?t!®iMnue:.by[ them, and imtne-
‘“ 'diately afterwards proceed ter fulfil'the 6bjects:poipted
»^utt^Mih ibr the "public benefit.” ; I
: AppKcatiori' was made to' the mandarines for the letter
Which Was to- secure^gbod > treatment for the |Lion;
and it Was jproiEniMf'l© be obtained without delay from
the yicerdy.bf th&prQv j n ^ In/the meantime, assopm ’< m m r n
as all the,precepts^ andnfeggage/®erb,transhipped, the 1 8 8 $
Embassadqr and his suite-prepared to. quittheLibn and '
Hindo&tap.1 Upon» this occasion there fwas .a» sgeneraF
meeting on board, the ships,, whet wereitodepart
from thence; and tbosq?jYbc$Gwere‘ to remain be->
hindi Eyery/pleasaht'#irGums.ta*nce?6ccasiohed byithein
having) been; together/.-noWYoecapiedl their minds, and
toot aniaffectmiiatet fare well ,of - each oth gj. On the’
departure,of the Embassador, thelerhwHdf the/ships,
who had, indeed been /pickedomtenijcllnd had? behaved
well* throughout 'th’e-'voyagff- and- in consequence had
lately rreceived marks ofihis jExeelleriey’s^ts^feisJfecfionj
m°St orders5 for jmanhibg "the^ardhr
as a' mark of respecb^.him, and give. Io^kMdrs^
which together with the- firing a: siafa^of 'many guns’
krogai ehch of the ships,.afforded; a new spfecfiaelet to 'the
The Embassador and gentlemen of theEmb&sy^m^
barked'voU? *fehq; fifth of Augusf?citi7-^3 j;!for''tfib- Pel-'hq
ri^er;. onboard the 'Qfeeuce^JackkHj and' Endeavour
brags,/while the servants* guards,' musicians,/andbthe»
attendants,! -aueoxiipaniedt thevprfeserits and %g^g&5nVthe
junks. Frofeedpig with a.Tavourablebreeze pnd d>spring
tide,they prossed thq bar in a « w h®ursv' • Thesiieigfc
boudng n6as(? is'>sbiver.yTdoW ^/tfefesrfam%;discWer-
able, at two miles distance, bht tby meank of the build