Yeliowsea- Tandtxhrequest the commahdertfe^akfc.uhnder.similar
“. circumstances, the same de<daiation;ofhis Exe^lency’s
■ iaafteritions;asandLthejsame iako at «the island* of Borneo,
wheisj he.helped
“■ eitherat Bah|axj^^uccedana, or at tho«apital, .called^
4|^ k e thebgréatbisland itself,, Borjie'o. In Bangar:<rhe
English hadfbEmeifjy ajfactoryi^u and in the oityjof
‘• Borneo. Ahed© «were- still, supposed; ft» he some British
‘‘•Subjects,, eitherL constantly residing there, or occasion-
■ ‘ ally;trading to it. {Nothing would be more desirable,
“ or more consistent with the ■ gen<«aj ohj.ecti€^ the mis-
“ sicin, than any. fair andj peaceable .endeavour to spfead
the urtsesof Brhisbhm ahufadtuFes; throng|b.oht ief er |&.^rt '
1 of Asia, from whence any^yaluableketumAnightdbe
“ made; Ap: Europe,! which was eminenèlybthë casebof
“ Borneo. Thejjeafcusyi.ofithe -Dutch itraders mightIbe
dn thë way in some parts of that extensiye^eountrfySV
“ but others might be found where .there- wasdessia like^
“ lihopd of interfering with. them.
; d he ;,timej >whieh wishing, isb. manyjplaces would
“ take, up,. together with the delays .which it might be
.necessary to make in the several ports where; the commander
was thus .to stop, would probably: bring him
“ to the;vernal equinox, or.therëabouts; after which he
“ should make the best of his way to .Macao, where the
“ Embassador would expect him as nearly as possible
^toj'tiheab^giwhi^^ .fell<*®rig.May. - As no^Cca5- $^ 4^
-‘^.•sion wasctE^b®vn,i4 i|td,d>whi®hiipao^ish^-apyj s@i% of 1y°ow\2f
4h,uiilityi|@iE anyraddatao» takkraimvi] ^ ^ ^ itr jjfccMr.rpA to ~ —~“
‘.‘•Shis Excellency sJhat* anofemand»rrio.r^•.^feofessfal-,final
“ m-adh-.|^fe^ |fe ini ajk<;GMv if that place
flxs-bionMihe in theh Lion’s .^ad ^ oii^'h&i^reto^] tmAhe
.‘AUaorthward. publi^Agnefitjand
*‘h;grata’koa%n|rwoh;M h^^dfedpee{h‘hii0i t^j^dh^eijn
“ thefj^|!igj||alrea4 ^poin^d.'®!^^^^«^tij^^parkgi|’;Jihe
; islandfhfeEQrmdsa?' <ltehidhftWias aVt'ld .pwtf .tc kAmhua or, to
the. ^ the* §jyeyalfgfeak|erfds|MdgJp. IA%psp-
“ ward (gM1 ownosa,-rand’ thft..fhfioo-k(?nfi^i,4 andgjta.; the
iYisout-hwajid off Qdreaair.whife.% b &.nok.a fa irLo»f ji.nfedterl n v'
-yitool inhth. with -the • nthepfme^ ,matc];pL(.p^lfts* of , the
® undertaking-,^jb,u.tdt) w%uld| .^iy.sjlpm additionaksatis»- •
V. factions,*.if it*,should, so ha^(nen^tbat’ifhe^epinmander
l“\codl^sp^nd;gaini:nforrnation a^dbAhpferplaa^al^dd’.
i The. EmBaSs-adoii ^peluded,fthes&Fips ^ tefciom.s by.:oh»‘
serv-in^|thata,‘ he -hady without relftpfeaasfe^ expressed
h his Wishes asf.tggfthe^jeh^e^ nbj hets-, taKb^ja^Bom.pUsh ed
“ IgyiSir lEmsmus,\6.owjer, and hadjjgp^rdjdj tW^with
few heeonamefodations of^rqekjjripn/as^^&^dm*-
‘‘pressed, wifh-rso fulbai eQrifib§*n©.e in, the p©pdjft|Ciejjand
“ ability o f him to whom*' they;rSypf e s%defesjsed-»»He
“ might ba; forced, by,,©Vents which thgjEmbassador
“tobpld not foresee!,..^ circpmstanpcs^pfn^hbjh h f was
“ not ashare^ to deviate from the rotate,; and -thpan^tsuc