tÖthê -explamaéair. Thid.Tiedfestbfr.W
YeIlow ‘ea' «seriof t:iïïoip»s)tIlaMes;10mI^iinotb^j(^iries€? Jabgt!®g&,
fcionsi-as wéll ;as ‘fï:<)m: thelexèlusion of some of the:haïsber
satthdkiofi-^^er'iRaiions, amöng?3whieh the diBëreheé in
thedpronuneiation of words is consequently more* peai
■ ceptiblekj-j
• 'Theirwo inandaripës:inquired if therlètfër hxpughèfer
fbeoEmperor :iby thejjiEmbabsadnrK was Rtrlnslatbdi1 ható
Ghine^pand requested .at ’any rate tb know the purport
nfita i AaÊonqdiance; with thia requestjwasVnofSr^d é*
an '.etiquette prescribedi byltHe,- impérialraèiirfe; nön&tet
did it- appearsto have been asked-from the indijicmet
eagbEnesff|pf j curiosity;- buforather^was cobsiHered?as>a
pirtteFPof ordinary / course; and^ h®hichn«iriight jMahk
thflSftmandarines» moreocokupletely.totfulfil (fife
tkeydiad in. view, >®f)©btainihg and e©hveyfn|ptorrtheir
sovereign, every: information/ relpingntostfeTEmhassy.
It howeyer^thought more pruddntd andfpethaps
.more deeentr to reserve f the $communication. of%y Ma?-
jesty.’1 letter, at least until the arrival o f the Embassador
at the [capital; anddherefnre an anstrer was given, that the
original with the translations ofr ip werefoekedmpcytef
gethèr in,a golden box* to be delivered, into the Emperor's
IsqGorieqrnihg.thé; [presents* the mandarines* .were peculiarly
solicitous • to: inquire; andta list-off them was
formaBy^demahtfèddio) bekent - to his .Imperial Majesty. ^vigaHon
Thè êamë'derhand had, ’indeed ;iKeeiaj*rriade by every.(§lhi- Yell'aw sea-
ne^fivéïófhM’inlèrè^pfsev with jthe Embassador,'..' or with
theSGommistidnens abtEariton, ïpi thë^^bjeelof the, Embassy
ijjandf i it; appeared,, from the^begipnirig^Mowimdch
cpriosity hadibeeujeK'cited respepbh^^Kfii- A. cdnSmon
catalogueGoutaining. the.iname^.of .tliogs^ Onitbpard the
Hindostanwould noElGohy^y a^jhipea ,©f i^KeJiqojuaUMes
oh) i n tri n sa r. /worth -.>< hn rMilfelane?: understood 1 bv ^ajOy
effprtwef translation I T-hmto would, -likewise', suffer* f by
beingKcpnfdunded with thel mere curiositiesisentjusually
för.stle ; wTablvKowevei Expensive, or eve’p ingenious*,
were4>hï@fe^ll6tefing / than -useful. I f was '^néc^ssaiy,
thereiiitryHo make-Juut, Somewhat in the Oriental}s^y]M£ -
sue|^'a general^esp|iption;of ;tj|s (nat\ire, of the .articles,
nowjsenfe,' ■ alsbapp e are d- fi k ely ’ to' fend e r themacbe paatje-;
m!easuritigf.tlieipmeritiby thèir utility, and'endeavouring
evgiotb derive ’,somdr$redit- from« the omission1 of splendid
trifles:..It.}was. accordingly prefaced] byobsefyinsg?,' that
the King of Great Britain, willingjtó^estlfyj his high
-péstêem (and v generation’ for j his Impeijial -MajgsJ^ of
“ Ghinapby sending an Embassy to him at such; a dis-
stance? and bjy • choosing an Embassador ampng; the
1‘;mpst. distinguished characters.; o f the, British db;mi-
“ nions,: wished^sh that whatever., presents, he should
“ send, might be? worthy of such a wise aild.disgerning
“ monarch. Neither their quantity noïftbêir cost could