rëspeét to .^please/.coiuld îhealth'-Bfc presérvèdrio it# that
ftyduiheoming:just from sm? andvenràptûred witkrthe
beautyaof every-object: he saw-aroand him;. But) mindful
ofnthe ..danger there, to life/ xoiild not'help ekcteiining,
f^jwhat ari-exeellentihâhitalâon ifwaàÙ feè forixnaiiortals'h
The:. mostl tolerable :seasontheref 1 is- , from''March or
April,^to ‘November.; .:whenjthe> rains1 .Begin,* ■ and laist
thd rövSÉ-.of the year. §:The .sea.breesfe setedm about: ten
o'clock; in. themomingvand .Gontinuesuilb four »r,hhe
ip the1 afternoon.; 8 It . becomes
eight»» >wheft the dand -breeze r-eommence®, laEd-upa'Mti?.
rmes at, intervals tdldaydnyak;! Mlowedtby.amahn
for theiremaining.' h©urs ,D f -the . twenty-four. • Eahdtti
hèit’s ; thermometer Iwas,; .in Batavia/iroad, ; duringe the
Lido’s •remaining there, from ieighty.t-six: toleighty-high't
degrees, and in,jfhe;to^h5, from
twd, degrees'#; Bût itsra^Satiohs B y mb hhmisAdi»EiSR
ponded fouthe sensations! producdd, by the heat;' on'the
human frames * the tetter being tempered by sn y motion
of .the hid, which.cironmstancehas little, effeétt bpph the
thermometer.- Nor ifeuthemnimal süffèringé herte, from
heaêj. to -be measured- By; its ihtenseness iatnany .giveri
nament oh thej dayjxBnl;;by;hs:->persisting fhitmgte‘'thfe
night ; when, instead .of diminishihg; as it does in colder
countries^ soinetimesdw^ntyi degrees, it keeps generally
here; within four or five ûf :wbât :it attains in the shade,'
when the sun is Wats.highest: elevation.-
The.nativeJavanesefdeiiYe, however, oneiadyantage at Eatavia-_
tefts^from an /atmosphere' n o t sufj ect fto 'the vicissitudes
of .tempera ttoe etc pmiunbed tin 'th-e northern pasf te .bf>Eu-.
rope,' where' daseises: k f the Iteethiaroiehiehypr-^alent/;
afcttey areshete JentirelybKempt from^Tach «fedapkints.
abstaining from fermented ii^u2*rs5;>«6 doubt eontrihuteS;
to&iitetextmpcioh- Yet- such- is the««aprtoe 'ofifcastey'that
j r f btesk is ifther/fawariteltWtour; and-staifidardisfteautyf
for! .the* teeth ,'fitmopgkrtKem; •-comparing.'' ft imOnkSes
those who teeB^hem:o f the hatum^^bidilir'. • TKfc^t4
cordingly -take' feareutb paint, o f .the deepest" bteckB all
amdfSteeth;t?exeipt^he> two middl¥ «must which ^ they
* cover with hold' leaf.' Whenever the!'pa&ttbr‘glidihg &
worn'#,: they are 4s-attentive td.'repteee it Oft the .proper
.teeth/as thd4betees?of Europe’ are'to%ufify'aftd
whiten theirs. £ ■>'«. _ 1 ’ J
r,:>;The,:idtlteE^hirep«atidtt- Of the mfiheahMh^df Batavia
IhrEuropeansr deters most of'th&MrWho' fctff resMl
at home with afiy -comfort,''from ddmfrig' 'tbr it; notwith-
stahdi^ylfeB'ftemptatfons'1 Of - fbrthrii£s to' Bfe «plK&Ig
amassed in i t . ' Ftdto'lhis cirGumsten’ce- if happen«; 4«feat
Offices an& prOfesSltffis aft'- oftlh k'eOOs^mfey
tB'pdfsblSsdittlfe-'qualifiedJ t&ifiH 'thtemt ^Ifef-
^ymen.^hB’.theprtfitxB^ physiri'a^ Of‘tkPpk|ei Wfh
both-said-1 to h£V& loMgfeally'b^n b a r te st' Ih d IJhi^ed
ProB&ee«' fhffiish %veh?fdw,!fiail4ta^y'Yeefui%ikK ^¥he IHKS: