others of a lower construction., the. masts of allth e ir k^rgesmfle q^i^iy.ed to>
lower d'otvn Occasionally." T d pevenfc oagrijigss f o ig ri!9-?5» g ! # S those
bridges that are intended only foi the' Ifec^ifiodfSott o f W t passengers,
they are ascended’ hy steps, as appears upon tfraf pilihe ^ftssidpioftfre ppint,
under, wh i e h a cEttamuniffiadan ia'IoiSBSd, between', the grand camtf and ad°r
that- brancHing; off from it,: witooft a^y-ip§SWldhffieV^>! %ft- passengers,
Onthosel people whose empkyiHeiifeihtpctmids tfrelfra^gee.,
X LI. View o f the Lake See-hoo,,and tower ofrt^e thundering winds,
taken feom..the>Vale^®f Tombs. This lake^ognthe borders oj¥jbfcJiXt3?1<is
the wealthy and; extensive'city .of
scenery; is .accoimted.MeM the grandest, as well as most beautiful, spots ip
all Chi The, Lui-fung-ta-,) on .tower of the duindering winds,.standi n'g
on, the point o f a promontory jetting-intoithe lake,,forms a bold object. It
is:.said, to have been built in.the time-of: the philosopher rGonfuciys, who
lived three centuriesSbeforejthie Christian: sera.: ' In; the. Vale o f Tombs, tfre
varie ty of monuments is almost infinite. Abundance flfi naked, coigns lie
scattered upon theground; and the sides of.the hills that.rise from the: vale
are thickly set with groups o f sarcophagi, in the shape of small houses,
arranged in such a , manner :as to look like so many Lilliputian S tiS ^ sj;
I XM L .Economy, p f tome »D$.jafraa£, j?§tappgfred;M waf®!!-
man'. Lijthe.iriyer.GhemTang-cMang, ei.ydai gc boats
ai:e ifrequendy managed h.y: one. man, who! with great dexterity, will run
thro .a isbpie fleet -,dfr vessels,^eeriftglhls m m jbpat with ,one hand, managt-
ing; the sail with thejother, and pulling .a large-oar. with his foot,; and at
the same time smoking his pipe with the 'greatest ieaserancl indjffirence..
X L III. The rock;of;Qftang-yin, w ith an excavation near, its;base,. serv-
jng;as a temple, and Ldwelling.for .several p.riests.of Fo. This rock is. com-
posedi of one.1 splid mass of grey marbld, itisiog'' .Qfrtifrfjhetmm§in t?f "the
river to a height exceeding six hundred feet. In a large rent near the base
is a temple of two stories, ascended by flights of steps hewn out of the sides
o f the cavern. The faceslo'f the rock oh the side next the river are soAteep,
that this dreary mansion c a p p r o a e f r i d fry water.
XLIV. The.StoopXvhf(1 o( China, for lifting water upon the banks of
'ii'v®S^P^p^tifS?a$yffrp’^ s ^W E s 'e * iSteMBv wtochWe V^y'ccSffiidnin
theisouthem mowincis. ‘arcpni itk . entuelv oi bamboo, are put tqgether
without a nail, and are feom.filteem.ta.fojiyiffegt ijii^amet^r. They come
neaiiAt to thf l’usiah orvbuckul,\\het'], hut"are m ituially different in the
^rln e^I8’4ifil,t»nstrficti3n'.' A wheel th irty feet'ift1 diameter Mil'lift, in'the
btfufse 'of tWefityioiir hbfrfs; freS^se^ihity thousand' gtflloiis dPwatfr.