Rio de
Janeiro.; country was indMjtndjfeFnts
.of the diamond<ddii)gold mines^fishewing the inmnerih
^dbifflki|they vw®re5iiyo®fced,>■ ( andu thei j ctbj eefe ofj ttt&ir
seasick {separated fiKmrthfiIearih,imoiahich:tt were originally
enveloped; of the cultivation of the sugar cane,
with the ;proo3sses .fete jexti^ctifia^ viMi^Wpeii aodogiranu-'
lading} at, Lato,;sug^n;;jof the^ manner tbB ieoUectteg. rfckd
small; animals fehichn produce the EoehiheaLy
«paring th&vrieh- dyei&omtehdip^i^fiithe-csittitee’io^'lW
manioc, ;with:! Ahejproeessi'rf mteking^das^da^^whiQhlis
theisraatjjof ithMtplani kftefethi poisemous^jiiiorttiieiiiid
tainsdis.qximeissedjfGsmid^Bd tetpioc^IsykiBhrii th©&iie|
sedimedtidaposited ,at, the« bottom
I& thisigajden,rwhich •wasicalled hhk^msmipidb^t% gwerk
k^^Mted >shews^ fep»thp{amuseirmntf<fiffethefeeepie;jfaad
its destinatioxii Itfepromatethe* health andcplm,$nteo«f thfc
inhabitants (was’expnessbdjon .two granite cdlfclisks i-pt!thb;
walks j; on one dfi i which were 'jengradedjjthe i IwejdSiU^
smid^diiJiiai $ and bmthelotlierii oatmkm do ‘publico. m
* iNearj the town,and fclaseq to. thervseajshoie,! was a gar-
dab of another kind,’ intended, origipalliy forprona&ihig
theipro^ress to f botany ;qb«t chief p jiairious,; jaowsi fety®
small/ manuCaetupeii®fj isochinead. uAJceoddfegfitoTheiob*.
servatidns made, iand-th© ikforination;phtainiedi by^Mri
Barrow^ j tf thejinsect which i farms- this jdy d jat R io,/ is; n ot,
‘ SprabkUyyiheo&km© Jas^thiat which ifemofeiced «by Li-n-
j1itjbk«s,undeBf|he-HaEme‘of iiimisi'eantmoeois^lUf^h Thej
jj‘datterids- dkscribdd ^fcftat m^onnthe' barkk/^wMr Mack
sfsflegist oandi /tapering diiawl^shaped thornts feisaptennffi.
~tf [rbdbifmdtf Rio is ebridex,iwitHdMgs M aicWhrogHt
||£lared; iri;.tethfmal©«and female, - atadithkfentennfee taao&ili-
^ bfoTtny '«.'foeadifiikeiHiTfeelmaJe-i^ a! delicate? knd^gau-
M tafiai sinleetg' the eofeurnof the. w&'oleribod^^a Wight
lifted; nearlyfesendrlingHhepigmen't usually t@al'}e;dired
^ d |k f eE ^ r ilk ^ c S vbHptkalprind s^gM^attaklted «0
Thd-nntenhae-nbohbifealfjthetleiigthlbf »the:
fit body;.' 'Thedegs;are ■ of ^a;rmore tb ri 11 iktiffredtthanj that
•«>df tHfertbthfefl phrts. j| Twbdine wbiteT^affineat^^feont
hOtd*fipf»titocd;the'fenigth‘ -ofethe ansfeetl pfej^feoih.tfke
teedtremitysM' its ubelly ? sor- 'abdomen.c dlhe « wingsOaire
'■*& itwo^ ef asfffiintf stfa# edfeafaM«frajsiscy delineate
Texture. ^3?'heifemale-hasmo wings,',is elliptic in
.‘‘ its foMm, and convex omdiothrsides', butimost sb»on[the
-‘i!uback, which is (covered \yith a'white down^tsub^tencte
‘5 resembling -tbelfmest idfotMmtFRe abdomdm is> marked
‘ f withrtraniYAwkngBi ior>fniSO#s. 'rtTahekaonthriscsJtu-
i'itatediin thehreasb,-1 havihg ar>browin beak, ?inclinirig to
t/ 'insect.feeds. Its sixdegsmre ';ofca(clear ferigfterred ? It
(‘■becomes pregnSanf abbutetwenty days after At isrbbtn,
;4‘ add t*aifes»»afteriibrifgkfiig ferth^ht inrfilimea?afele'vbff-
f& spring, oB siominntesafisi^d^kfto ibkfd^iily mistaken