V I I I . A sfeetckrftke
gulf ofBekin tp, ihë .;cit55f|)È'lMîcà#!®,§t§j Iaatwibâeh %m :&&l&8jtj^0ir%ifhp
lilies,- towns, principal villages* an é^* lita r^ ^StîS iS » tn i# p siii.if^g b a i f e
This plate contains also a sketch of the road- from Pekin tP^Zh&hglftjn
Ghinese Tarfctfy ; in which are situated, at certain-'distaitaees, six different
palaces ariffgaidens for the .aéc6.mmodaliôn. of the ISmperbr of China,When
tiwelKh^heprëen those t# o .plaices p p
■ IX., A- sketch of ».journeyfrow 12i^rh()IiiprXartjury,i)y land,- tftdPekin,
and-from thfcnbe by -water to Hang-choo-ibo*,' iri China, .
X . A sketch o f a- journey
Canton, in China.
Thesè tWo plates comprehend »11; .that
the ‘town- o f Zhe-hroIÇ ïn.:Ghinese.,TaiE{#y rsildi thelc^fcÆglantjlnr^ at (he
southern extreiriity of the empire, a? dtstamen mbfttesé’thjfti fiftbea-huridred
miles. ' The rivers and canals that open atdiæeefe ctamudiesPsii h©t#se*
the c ^ ita k and the~port of Gantbn.3ï£all;idierbit®sâfï(fefesti
thirdnOrderv witkitaany considerable tovdns an^irfll3^Is^ua^;4^p0®>tlie
banks of those canals dnffrivdrs:? (he&gi^iUi'SMi-lkeespas'iWfell |s;|to dB d ^
of-the different parts o f the country that; occurred , in this route;;' wfih,<V
temperature, as shewn by Fahrenheit’s thermometer, at themifee they W'gîe-
passed,1 ate marked-down on-thèse skëtèhèsû! ,-ï
X I. A plan? o f tfe, city arid harbour ;of MaearigLarfeefeny
guezé, situated a t the southern extremity.of the Ghinesb’empire;,-^contain*
ing refereneesto a ll the'forts, colfegesr,eonventS',;and,other,piihlfehuildings
and places of note ; and also the. depth , of water,-land natrirp of the ground,
in every p art of the inner harbour, .as, well as ioe-theuspice between, Aëjpeïfi1
insula and-the northern entrance into thé Typa ; i taken, frpm anja'peüÿats
survey made by a-^gentleman long resident on "de spoti?»
dcXIk. Asleaft’of-the -csfotuSsliprintia, or pricfclyrpear, with the cochineal
inseetssthaHfeed uparisit.' 1 Thermale, and’female, of those inserts in the difi
ferent sjeest ófltfeëiisej^tSnfce.and^gFtHrd^; arid affi-yi found in numbers
upoiirth&WnG,pJ$£ht$audt suppó ulito, feedfeupbm the’ cochineal-insect; ao
eur^dy'delineatedif f b '* ï ariri^«ati,Rio deijajiéiroy ih South'America. '
-* - X IHï: ,l|h(^dïi-t9-J,a‘okecl'j)heasa:nt!;,®f Java-,, a»,ri®W<spe®ps thus described
by DoctohShaw. c Black ph’easaiit wikk'^Sf^ibhle gloss; -tffe side» of the
body rufous; the loweripi^fto-fthe back fiery-ferruginous; the ta d rounded;
thbttw,(f,iiyd<IJe ,feather^|-Je'yyioW-blio‘wp, * „»$
X IV .b View* of" aödi&gprioriïith^ hórdérSjpfviffri'rQrij-foyiS irt Cöctïin-
chiriffiji'Withua-,gjgap®'^^p;ecnatiw ttan jfi^g ttli,tm Vervis1 w ith a-.gaméiof
sh üttkcby^vhic Wliffyiri-rake:Wid..the'Sid^addSójès’iRf,ïhëir feet.instead
ojp>attlednfeSj,-:' \-b
X-V.^View, in, Turon'bap* taken fron^lheir a^iriaHpislandtf ©n
which a few p f thei.nativcs^ aro^ass^hik!?-^, 'b->r.- th'&jpjjrppsp (é£ makriig-^iin
offering to the deity inva Ihp^bï^;tèntple5ti<vG>nsis(jng WËSÊ of a few poles
(hat support a ith atch ed tro .o fT h e bo’at«a^f^)fohipgi,(t/heisland, with the
rowers-.Xtariding,r> ( s h e governor,'of the district. The
JLjpn -and Hindbstam are? seen a(J anchor irfjhefpa^^f^
XVI. A mandarine*» oifepagiÉrtjaté!' attended by his1 'pipebearer.
These, with fewh^iÉl^nn^; atè- the usual dresses worn by the
natives of Gochi'ri-em^j^nd differ kittle xmtKeiS gëbëtail a]ppeararice’frbm
jthp.se. of Ghin‘ait‘* ’
„ IX V II. A'Ghiriese-mi]itarypg|t,^ilita#y!.posts ofri. similar kind, but
various in their* form’tandlplan o f construction ofceur at certain distances,
greater-‘or, less; as mayrffe Jleepiecknecessary,- for -the internal peace p f the