1 fill
3eèdjehiefly^SsTcaansr/inany of*whom.-are^said/torihave
' befemlkidnapped into tMe.’sefivie^ll Tho nominally .p^Cr
mitted, after aiodctain length!-of. -re turn« home,:
theyf are^4n/ factfeompelled'to; eniisfcrfojp -a longfentime»;
1 itbespaydheiinjg fop xjsoahfejsjto-allow them .to »slave-. enough
to, deftay^thfc ^epempefofertheirrpassa^tb Europe1. iT h ë
^OJvernmen.tiis<adeBseds-v|)fe-t-he-barbarous policy i off in ter r
3ee,ptipg alb correspondence#between tbose-people -and
their-- mother .country;, b y ' which tmeans'.they iaffièdde:-;
priyedtof (the'consolation ©fTiearing from their friends,
asswell #*o£ fchfe^chancei of receiving suehvASsisfcance'jQas
might>enable-them tofg*home;r- Onetof these miserable,
men availed' fdmselffpfan opportunity, which-offered
accidentally, of addressing,- in h is nativefGermanilan,
guage.,.;a 'gentleman' of his own- eountryfffpl®dgibvg> to sthe
B®ib«ÉgsyKf'He. was inthe-utmost agitatioh, lesthfeshtf^L
be observed holding converse wifh'apersohuabteurideii
the. Butchigewprnment’s control,; andjconfuted;hi-mfiir a
f f^ jwprdsv uttered, with£ all thp>£ji£rgyj efrheas.t'sfMte.an-'
guish, to forward a letter he.mearit-to write tgjsrespeetable
relations he had in Germany . Unfortunately for' > this
wre tchjhef k&di not then thte; létternready ; and !he had
never pince afterwardsthe opportunity obdehYeringrit.
The duke o f Wurtemberg, ’in-cojtsequencfe^dff ^bargain
with the. East India .Company in Holland, had lately sent
pne.of his regiments^to Batavia ; butra large proportion,
both of officers, and men, died within a twelvemonth.
Every man who Gomes to settle i *1 Batavia must, take _
up aOT I n i-d e f e n c e . One^theGoma«eBors e f tfhe 0
Indies, after >taentipning ;all/tke ipains 'taken and
his1 colleagues, .in government, for guarding the settlement
*fegaink! external attacks, frankly acknowledged
that-theii1 chief -dependence was-npondhelaavoek which
the dlimate was likely to make amongst the .enepay^
forces .-" ' Captain Parish thought' Tikewise,. that .the
o im o d . effectual- profeetiomaif {that, settlement bom .am
m iEurdpean .enemy «proceededJrofeats;cl»ate.. Ids for*-
‘-“•tifications were, «by-no means, such as would (be
deemed formidahle in Europe-; hut »then fhe- difff-
o euliiesWereVGonsklered .of forcing the passage,o f ;the
^iM^erpo.r.of landing ;trrGops,en..Qther parts .o f the island,
“ it might, perhaps, bethought of ..greyer,strength than
.“ .it would, at -theBust view, .havecredit.for. .«The de-
" Sfeffeneesiofrtbe-jLver were-the water .forj/tsitpate,d .at its
V? -entrance,-'having, -mounted ior .dismount^foutteon
hjgushs and two howitzers. I t;tensistedi#£?a parapet?,
£E -originally-well| constructed, sta ined ;■ ,-but
“ the parapet'was .mucbnegleeted, and .the: wad flearly
“ (dhstroyed by «ho constant Working. dhfi s^& T ih is
‘'•fort-Wds--protected/on the land •sideKby (axnQxpous
■d »swamp, .and towards the^ea, on thehnofth-wes^by
• t extensive'flats* »over which .»even boats.’cquld iPQt' >p.fis's*
jgj The Brilybgood .approachawhs *hat‘tby*the .channel,
■o which.iiusees and defekidkv/Themexf . work upPJUthe
VOL. i .