'- Islend of
meter* acrasstfhe ^lU'rfae^^Tof v-the-ltw%ter -in thish^nnel
was3 about obe thousand qne - hundred j jj&fi ^ a p ^ h e
shortest-feight, hundred.' and,
by tho-tfvater?So^dig% was3 about nApee thousand? yaSfk.
©bM^-ile «a|hd tbree;rjquaiitsr^^n^arly;; the }upper, circumference
».of the;{«funnel must, consequentl^qxpeqd
two piles., In^almost evefy+.p’art tdi t^^slanling.^idps
of this .ftinnel« near fihp water’s edg%$an4> -in. ^he-pj^g.-
■vy-ay^dividing (it- from- th |p gs^f-;hot
Y^atfjrj' 'fMt& -discovered.;., F^^enheifc s / thermometer,
which stood in the,air at si$ty-t wof[degrf^s^pn^heipg
immersed into d^^f.fh^e.ho}: springs* asqende^^«'
mediately, tQioper hundred and^ninety-sij
anothe'f j it ixise^toyfryijo hundred ..and-5^0U^-; ^pnd^j^gj.^.
third, ;on applying'the bulb <§£the.thermometeritq a r^ j
vibe^Ut -of {which .9,. small stream., is§pedi; in Jess^tfian^a
minutfe iferose to^hf.Loiling, pqinf. 3 Qmy ar jo|[f^iafe,
in (several springs, it wȣ:found .that the generabstand'
ard of heat,, was jthatof two hundred and twelyed'^ge^,
jyyfeen the,bulb pf the thermometer yps applied,toethe
fisssure from, whence the water; isspqcf;, and thatfij£ya kind
of reservoir was formed round the spring, the water fin, it
would generally remain about thq g temperatg'rq o|.,t->yo
hundred m¥l The,
tenchj,bream, and; perbb; and the same person, who«,
with a hook and linfiyhad caught some of these fish in
the cold water of the. bason, might, with the same motion
ofjhishattftdkler^e'm idropilaio. the-h©^adj^iii;ing spring, j g j g ^
^-hpie»rids fa-etv t‘h4y«wj§mjbj)iled; :im-the|?space of, fifteen 1 '
minutes,iahd fit fof^eatingr:r,'A feg<alp|of, this,, kind was
■much relfehd^hy! §mriel®$ tbefigentfiqmpnv frdm^the Lion
.amLHindostam It -ishea^mAget^atj ,fehp boiling, iwater \
in j’frhe&P&nSe^ay?yfey-) rerhoyirig\a fewpstqngs wherever* >a
^a®*,wising firoin among? them^d'efi'fttedc fthej heathbe-
,neat;h./ In some«place s<^a|gebeds5-c|fimQ'sJ§fsv known by
bhemaiRe- o^^^lq«h,aptia!jap'fl|§yiO®p©dipm,; ,w,efe<growfing
infgbeati Luxuriance r oufe of, ;w hieh||aMfW©ljb - indeed; as
from 4@yeralj fin th r e a t ! funnel, issued a-cbnsL
'deffable-quanf^y^sigaoke. A-parjtm®b^<§|ppss feeing tom
offycsojhe t-hin$fipt mud was £<fc.c9M0^ d ’ undernehhs« in
- whiph'fcke IfMb- of the thermQmqfce^hfing,immersed, the
iquick^ilyerll^eepded, in .the «tube,« to j,tehe boiling- point.
By, applying the ear to the» grounds-?» nof«d> like that of
4bubblingf?water was distinctly heard*. Ini m-apfl' places
.veins'of, vithified matter were observed-totrun perpendi-
Icularly'-from the waters» edgj*4 through, substarfee^that
- had beeniburned, but nob fused; 'and some of tkqsEdcfes
contained'Several beautiful pieQe$p£-(z«olite.; ■
Within two -Hundred yards of the causeway, and connected
with it, is a curious, insulated rock' dEpone, consisting
o f several horizontal layers, of matter, some approach
jpg; to vitrification, others more distant from that
state, but, all indicating the «operation,of heat ;rand, all
the appearances seemeds tp confirm the. assertion of
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