% siooe<ba^difficulty arçembaiirassrilent ta tkmiEna!fepsiyü;
“ . sa,* in ■ he ^ejjfeimse'l’f» happy in
“ beingiaMe, at all:.trme^fe|Kiqgp#3t apd; rew.ard.theM'eîièJ
$Hpi iwell>,‘ as|ta, prompte the: mteïiest, i&nd, induiger. tbe
^bècasi©®, as. muehnbsi might be:j qithsrstenri .Mbthdthé
îïdidrioüEand weljàæe.of :m
Theteader, who taayîàlïÆady.wish#p.iknow the effeèt-
of: sttc'hi é^ffafSerupiôh J the persons to whomi twas ad-
dfès£ed|i wili be i.gratiiredîiïU'lieanng,i'nôfc.faMy thatithë
Mflabâssadûr th^Hghb himself.jusüiied in ;rep©rtiogîViiry
o# raiïk, who accompanied tbe lEmbassy rffirdugh©ïif,‘
déclat&d\bëfdre hé.paried:froM;it, thât theiSamennmber
of'jtuhïiïèSêlï tâkên' from. .trie ^différent -ranks pib scMiety;
wôüldj not bave demeàrièdi^reïnseLvdsvwith»sD i-um’eb
^What'farthèr 'précautions migbfcbe ./nàc€»^eÿïtpdbë'
would partly.depend. on the- situation of -the bqnadçpn
whalfebéishouldbe absent fiom it. The^firstab^efidraîs .to
know wdiÊtherdÉîeaulcï bavésa seeiireicetreaâ iadbpdiar-
bout,of i Mba-tau;: On éhe’ return li©fh tbe! Glarénceifrom
thenice, the offieerreportèdthat “ aJrbef’.pf’ rocks; jbyktg.
11 ofFïhg ëâst-: éndarif tbe:: ea&terninastbafc A e |Mi-a-tau
‘ ^isliwds, called'Chan-îSan, and.stretching ïiortkeastïby
“ nortb and south-\Test b je south two. miles j formedthe
; ‘, onflv eastern seaiEit^biilfc?bas^efdtefOian/ 1 1 / «tsfln.. The tNmaorawg^attkn»a
' TeniGha®k£<m,snms&m Yea«»*».
“ tbisateAin4^fies;mteamre| fapmtsthe :snut]i©m$ aSsMfe
“ ishirfcfatsfelf sdiddfroni. tb^nattheRd^ wind s$fc 'Tdeth
‘f, .Mest-roard' ksw^khtoely ^bi^bandtete;ibayn-was^fer-
fjteifea.i Tnlyf^fflaferaibilteytoiitehea aneli&Mge toff 'Tenrnbql|&d4-;
“ ;butuffiat febet Te^fc?f«as . a- d an§efp^0kgiBe|9^a®d should
“ not “be rapptoachedam^ii than wiEeceitb^'-soundiggs
^ ’weidiiiindE -fatbornsjyaibfehe i waters shnaletb’dtagMfiQ it*
^yeqy^trddenly. The^Cllaibifeem^Kbr^dsinithi'afep^iij
“twithihalmile aftfaesboSe^ib*^^® fethoms, iaa^EteJa^f^
* vh©ldi®§^i>Wiind».' .This islandfcv^i<s^aifeliittf.three mileSr'.i'M
| andtksarJy asshiaiiy imfeealdth ; iwafswdli'eul-
Siibivaldd^ ^pafens^ln^ieonMiAEGiali*- -
r • 7‘5]Tbe |
.‘SAtian'dithe £drmeffswhsa.b^y; of whicbi^eiiisaifliesDSweaJB
0 notWomShad a>quarten df avmik'f-m vlidth, arid Jess
ftEfi!(S!»t!arfgefc' This' bay rvroksafe, and su fficien tly^
sdjJaj^bttsi td-contain near.® hundred saik ^fees’sels^ jafi,3
« n a-1 li veAu gb toi'anchpa'iin thEeeifathdjnsiwate®^
“ tBebteomWas'clayey, arid eoniequentlysjgqsnihoildiiig
^vg^b’ffd’.' ThisfiisMndvwas-smallersjb&axi,#han>5san, but
1 «..with' 'afMe’ftri^fdfipopulatio® a-ndjesaktur^aqually* groat
$jgj in; pf®pofftkn stri:its;:s'izei: :
1^Rebsafl'-w4febe:W®^ternmnsfi-©£dratimd!l .clustesr: of
“ islands: Jt,formed .with A’dlasty Of%oper Mi^a-fcauv a