known rojifes, .succeeded ^in enr iuhings^lie il|istory^pf
nature' in its ?several departments. EnterpksPsisSiUch
a s w e r e . s o ,m u c h abpjvq-the/,usual cour^e^pf things?
and „the motives #fj ordinary ^actions,- that, in i f e ' midst
o f war, they weie held sdcipd-by aii\ adiRiiinffiienem»^
and, without solicitation, worfooxeepteditiom feloe dange®
of :th% hostile attacks, $o> which, pyepy otfgr .English
property»and pferson-was exposed».
As ^individuals^ gi;pwingd into „-affluence, .derive^’ ust
praise from generous exertipnsEip>4pehalfi
munit|r‘j,:so kings and natipry|, in py^ fefit^, cahoot#'
with greater glory, avail thenjsel\ies>pf thpir?, sitna boh#
than by directing a pait o f their < attention !,lo.^'a?jd,S4’iU
lightening mankind; and promoting^hh%&neRa?kdiapir
pine|s . p,f the,human /rape. . J^qrcps. suehua^ondufMaa»b
ren of;direct advantage^ thpsc^whp' hpldgitkl no; Etatfe-
can , ffatter itse lf with abounding so muc h in the i-iuhesr
oEgiature, or of being already arrived tojsudhipprfeotion
infthe afts o f applykig -them, to the p u rp o s e of life,r .as»
not to be^susceptible of any further augmentation-ggiim-
proyement. I f countries, little advanced in civilization,
are capable/ of sometimes supplying, valu-abjejynformar,
tion, it is probable that much, more might-, be .e^liedtedv
from the ip5<$t<(Jed or traditional; experience of the most
ancjent society, and the most populous empire existing
amongst men.- -
. The few, whpl had hitherto found means to-penetrateiha^|
S^?]^^'l<S rathd^felbaise the attention
jpo^he i ^'cssoiihitthiinf theikh'ffquiries. Of the
a^npunt^^venYo^fii^)t^»^v(.‘i’e3®iife;dict6ry:; and some
S'taspi^^Ms-^b/ut-^llfeb^curlun^a^eififhMgMhatjJ ins-re-
§^ect?fib^ itstptituf^aSd^a^MhM’al-p'rod'Tksfio'ns, the policy
and* M>^g®w rftih^fe^thedartguaf#,'- -manners,
andfrOplhibn'ssvdf%ih’e^gt)f)fej their^l^&f maxims,
and -eml* in sth u^ ^V ^ ^ d ^ th e 'V gM ^ l^ cd^ h f-w 311^
tranquillity o f thd -sktefii^i^fM^^hndes't^iE^Hfectivvefhb^
j^ykT|ha%cani b^f^^Mdd'Tor hdmdi*'eonfc'errplafci@* or
icseauh. Tho^dbstacles familias‘.invcskgabiohr rtfoil
aioSC-^iSo doubi, orft tile*pait* of the-, (^binc'scdgoyeminent,
from tbfe> fan <iied^dfefe^fe#'Sveomihu rtreffifeing *W kh
strangbrs prone §|j| ’ distufba>neij%'r immorality.« This
opinion-1 could be such strangepsiaffording
exarapls^pf a^eonfrrary tehdjraS^SJf'*
But it might nob be'skfe^to trusjft^fhkiefFect' ofi examples
sofiordinary tedl^ttld^l^hhdufe' the' concomitant
qualifications fors, mp^Mgp'in a-' scenes so- snaveBfbJand
aimdst^prej udices". s<E in^fiif ate$J Am EmbasjsadoRCOnce
admitted;* theksuppes'sabfs th e^generalftpianibwoluMp dOtfe
tainly, much g depend on the impression he and his
attendants), would;'make/1: dufingthdS ypurhey] through
the epuntryand his visit to; th#en'Msfff> 'If he should’
have the .methodJ®!ferend;til'^ i himself the
people; if he hquld: ’gain thb^gfeoffl opinion; of? the» mandarines
^‘thusin'perating^nkTkek^ahfavourable change
Occasion of