Sfcraitsof places>i®ere determined:; and theiri lorigitadp.} deduced
' also from the said observation.
..South Latitude. i , ^ Ea s t Longitude.
Java head , - É 6*(■ 0m Èm im p î fié'
The threSe bisters 5 j 42 g§g&ÉÉ41, 36
Thwart-theqway..; - g |j |.-Wv M 43
North Island - o 5 .38.: 43 i 3iQAngcree
Point . J .6.1 1K -m.'I-Q®47. W:
Cap - «sJeï :S 8f 30 | | 105 ■,4# 30
Button - ih:Ml£4^ Vff! ,105: ■-MiS-?Q;
The ratetpf >go>ing. of the several timekeepers - .was
eaaly^Qeitaiped ashore; by
nights, the appearancefof any of:the fixed?stars .in a*paxv
tieular point pf the heaveftSi.r**On the occasibrnof
those observations, an .alarming. circumstance occurred.
As Doctor Dinwiddie was going to apply. his|faee^closfe
tofojfeeut in order to be ready*-in the proper.position,;to
observe a passing star, while some: other persoo^was^it
have hisjqye tipon the time-keeper, % snake, of no mean
length; which had crept along the trunk pf the. tree jf^nd
within the bark that had been loosened from it, luckily
shewed its head soon enough to put the genttemepyon
their, guard, and fix upon another tree for pursuing, their
observations. .
They had afterwards occasion to visit the small islands
o$thewjCap fe®rd huttoii^ differing ntiuohs in appearance swmtsof
from thedevdbslandscp'lfeady mentioned.;; bèing so steep =====
andKrti^gedfthfefeiit-wasrdifficnlt tdig^frastore upbnthem.
A'tddittlbtdisiance,' they might1 be. mistakpl§>fór the re-
m ainsmf èr\<& b&stliës|MouMe4kig katifiheapS ‘of-ruins, with
tall* tiitd already gro’vstónigtnpcin the tbps; but,' at auSteirer
vïeW;%ft'ëy«foétrayedi evident? marks ofMVelcdiiio-ibrigin.’
1 xplèsiOUPs?from *Subferrarieous fires, producei, for-the
rtfbsfe part, hills» of ahrfegular- shape?, and-terminating! in
truncated cone's $'#rat*,wihen: frormaï Sühatëpi’eêtasj volcano,?
èrtopt'iöii^a&tetebwii- up^Éb'êaiê'tthe.surfaG'e' êfl the- sea; ïhö
i^tt#|aèsfMiMhgff)ack'into thé waïeffarednoi^ir-rfegularly
da^è®^^'ndïgêéë^ilytife^eUhetsMrei5!«®f’the newtftlitf;
#dff'^a’llê'd%nd'- misshapen, - as dn thé instanbdiqrfvAm-
skfe&MV’and Off those? smaller spots cailedp from 'some
^Söihlancê in shape, the Gap* andfButtop.' ÉR
In the' - Cap. weid found - two < caver ns,u running horizontally
into the side ofttH© roèfc^f and dn thése?:Were! a
number .of those birds’ rtèsfcsf so mueh prdzfediby Chinese
epffypèi !.-TÖhey'<seeriied* to beïébmposed of fine filaments!
cëlnentèd: together by atransparent’viscous- matter, ndt
unlike whatlisltefi-fey the foam ófithèoseaV« upon rstones
alternately "covered by the tidej1 or. those* gelatinous aniJ
mal substanceS-found floating on every coast. The nests
adhere to each other, and to the sides;èf thb-eaVtern;
mostly in rows, without any hieaköifinterruption.’ The
birds that buildt these nests fare- small gre^wallows;