£ time, without l«t, enierirtg the same, and displaying
* hi§ the Tallis',
if having, the same night, put-aboard aiï their-iötttötwe^,
fi fired the couBcahhouse, and demolished' wkatdhèy
^nanld. Thse boats of the .fleet, dlè©’,£’seized a jownekH
Vladen with hoards and timber; and ai^fhér. with salt.
1 iArtother v esri, o f smaH moment, was 'stoprisedjpfp
‘ whose boat ,a.letter- was sent-toitbejdhief mandarin e&af
^Canton, .expostulating their breaieh dfi4rbö^£xGus&ïi^
1 .the assailing ®f the|castle, and withal, in -fait?t'etuis*,
S requkiag the liberty.-of )trade; Thisrdéfeter, ■M^sn^h.is1,
?: was. delivered; fear, the next day; a mandarine tMhffc
“agreat noté, some time,a Fortug4i®hri®tT^n,'Eealil!edPauld_
‘•“Moretty, (Game towards iheashipa in a Sïöafitböik with
‘^a-whateafegjsto whom the, English,' hatohg'laid' open
“ the ia^ffiMsiUeaceived, and the sincere 'intent tlioyshcfd'-
“ ter establssfnfmnteade and commerce, and ihjsrë'nöwajl
“ wiHjngJtetin their own defence) to«pp«so5LlK-€Mrlk
“ nation;, presented- certain gifts, asnd»dismissèd'«him’ tö-
“ his makers, iwhto ware ,sometofithë.ch-idf .-manda-fiöes,
“ ^cMngahautaEpjtotbof lmd notfar ffom-thessfeij®', who,
“ being, h y ham, duly informed theitei^nfiturh^^Mm
“ sagain, the same night, with a small |ouh®tei-afid full
authority toear^y sup such, ds shouMsfe J^pöisitedl tè
“ Canton, ,th$fte/i© itender a petition ^anM^ eohliftid#
“ further supon the manner of their future fppöcéëdhf^'
t ‘ John Mountemey and Thomas Robinson passed- up -fKh
“ river, and, ■ theynKst, eyehihgv arrived at the city, an- Occasion of * • ° " ™ 1 , theEmbassy.
‘ s .„chbf ing-.edpsef^n#^ the, wall^ ih-sight o f the palace df . ■ ^
|^ h a mpinAthe<fadfaxirahgeneraht^ndi on the morrow,
“ theäjn^njfettpfth-esaid Nwlettyy thdy were ‘called ashore,
“ andi 'passingifthrough laMpehie 'guard, drrd, «at derig'th,
v- riming, in sight- @fe^|^eh lefs^mssemBled, they -were
,haj^e©rding4^'jgdafe Vou'stOfoi isrfhhfe Country, to
*f hhPpJ >- Änd Thomas RoHidson, hoMihgdie ^petition at
‘ ijteEgfe^MtCnded'upoh his heäd^deHveied «it to; Morel ty
“ to. harry up to Chdfnpih; the 'contents wltejfeöf be so
ViffeasoriaM-eyasihefepe^iidfed,< h6 presentlyconsented
“ unto, fthdt promised ’ his ufcmost'assistaocfe; «blaming
“ the treachery‘o fdh e Po'rtegaH«, ,whom he taxed as au-
‘/äthdrsi by.'their Slandersi,:?pfyäll the precedebtimeon-
'/lyenieneesc>tl^y>rltume.(ffröm Canton fully satisfied,
‘‘ .and hereupon thh Ghiudse^uns^eihsianded -attd de-
•ÄHk^,pdfintoL(jsheir hands; ihedr jo-unekes frdeiyndis-
“ ihisl^dvrandaiseeming-rp^hee on alljsid^sensurd -
. -The/whole ;oft this relation' marks fchermod oration, of
fte- Chinese towkrds^straBg&&"Or,sperhapsj the weak and
unsteady administration 'o f - aJ «declining f dynasty; but
shpsfs> .Stfhf, same^imd; under'What-adverse auspice^
the-Estglish were hrst:fmtrodueed f-m; China ; -tbdsw rash
adventurers appearingasraf not bfelongingto«any bation,
or cayowed Uy änytpoWerrand'misfdprfaffifited- B p Ä s e
on: whom they; hadj placed depeiidawee; nor had they