first navigators who touched there, induced them to give
- ' ; th e jsfanchtjateibarne tCY$,Plwuiali$. • >
What wemjtkb uncommon e|p^xasta®ees; that AOplc
piaaètia'ihbatoiö^iiqEeaïf that part p|^MQay,tof:syMdfc
thelGape de Yardslfölaa^jlay^wtjgaoas;,, csf? inljdagiy&sf
expanse of;-coffltiaeat^»fixtefadaPSi 'to'&éiSfM. behind My
and€rpm.which this direful effect imast Jaassi pïidceMffëd,
llieyi h&ppeped;where><ja©rjnan aafosabè^i&fiMstqdi t®
éfeexMKvaQr; tlreiov thereforiil^aiai'öi aab
known;;; ooi: is „theory bold enoughitolmpply
<^;T@hjse^atibB’i ■ WhateyfeBJs^sLithèdoa^UewbaeiijitffMa
arreted nature/fey^jdr»\y|tógiaiwa|5
the «mimes -.otifertility, .it was ^ofosöBvaldev; thMlome few
tapes ;awd .plaótsi^r^yiai^d)to;fi»riishïiÉidicS lnijèrla§3pè
indicating thailheyisófftxïuld .eKttacfofrftiii gp|g$iij$p| eaftb
whatever portion, of hut&idityitoMas n/^e.ssuryjtö;d§divu
from jtbfióee for >.th.e jpurpïme óf yégQfabJje ^ife,» tbo.itey^§
ji:38e^ideidba öses-j^ithé palm kind/affdady P tipMssii-
tó ^elv.erd^nt:jai]Qadst the burning sand^ptRotjfeiiigv.ifpf
ejcaEapJe, tiohldiib^ room tfieff jo- SóMêTjOprxaboppdif&flr#
lyith mil3^y»rïhp'icopoisiyfii ^uicejothaButheialcl^piasfjps
gftptea, ^rpwng.4)loot'if^lyfiftbowfcaiey^lo;feefctb%il>
without .óultiite, iodee.d, rbiit mhdtsturbed,! l t bjeipg-
»p; to out I t jdown In .favam ofiplaMMl^öWpM
be useful, butrequimd theaid o£ifflom ropistyte hem
the atnaosphem.. !J\he jatropha>eujst^§^ori>phj^ic :put
tieeT^hMto the-Erench: West ;Ihdiaris,i.withrs6.nie $*<*■„,
And| platat,eoh that a&eount,
iii the‘hbiindctoieBeof ? their estates,vaappeared as/ifi its
perpetuity iwas^otidt to" be' affected vby; any-i drought.
SomeIndigo plants ,\tere^5^11(cd.lli!v^t®.,'withf ‘supce§j>,
^slithi .a dfewt* s®tton )4hrubts,.
Throughout thfeidowite^ -soxah eifltfaosh tspeeie.s of, the
foim® sd,{©rv^nsiti\«-plant, which grddrlnto the size <ff
lliffe’es^ -Wbre mos6vTOitfitton$ hhd-'ffidt^nlJS japp&ar.Lto-1 lan>-
gAfeb. In partire®iar'jSpots 'thetannonaio or‘.-sugar | apple
•tree, '5waS> ititpdiifeGfc ’herffAfed Thethbraslnsytot
fanhpalm, liftedf:]£n'atifew5places,'! its bbffc-y .hfead'dand
sp^adingffett^S'3#feh a 4 n d i a h i n i l h ® d ^ I n IjfefPt-
torri, about a. mile and a half behind the-town of Praya,
#as stilf grb%ingylh a.healthy m^lM@t.GalIedj
for' size, *ia;jjifeencinAnpn indvlgetastioh,5 a^fajee. known tp
bofanistsibyf'thA mamdbof adansonia,; and in English
^ l e d mpnidytlsDead trefe.' The'natives o f SnJaghic&H
it1 kabisera?--others/baobab. 5 Its trunk measwedbat thfe
%a‘seb no less .than fifty-sixffeet in/girth-nbujt if soon di-
videdHiPtotwo great branches, some rising phrpiaid®oi&r
other, of the same spe'cieis; whose .'single titmk, ;pf thirty-
'.oight^t^ifefe« atoactedlittfosiqtiee/ from |he;yie»ity
Of its huge i POrfipabion. SEe the: erigfaving;at the orid of
St. Jago.