td'ie&ithem pass; Thèy.referteinly^shrêeefèd'dn supporting
absolute sway" over avast supei3jbrit*y irf number ofritbe
descendants of. thdnrigihaf Inhabitants of the? eoantryy
as well äs óf the slaves imported into it,- and ofrthe Chi-.
nese(attracted: to it by the hope (if (gain; thófse:©lasses j ;tho
heal thy,aetive * rand as if quite at home-,ifeadily obeyim'g
a'few emaciated :Europe>äffsr“-such is*'the?consGqrien’ceK)f
dominion once acquired; the.prevalence 'of'the*'mind
over mere bodily exertions, and thëëffèct'öifthè eonaffe
nätfanr ofrpower against diviflsGhsg^t^th.
v Thpsfeative Javanèsé ares in rgenerhf tto^rTesfiioMsfrom
civilization,tlo? have anyiwants thafae Äieeasily Jatiss
fied in a wärm anid&rMfafclimateif'ÄwattoMyfesis Ädffi:
té; ßEföfev#Ätdir persons?; 1 sand.' they 'find tbe>gbv3öï*iiheprit
off the Dutch . less*v©xatidns than thähfoffP bthèlrlf^hö
div*id@;s®ifflife'share of the soveiSSigiify of the" island vsöth
thèm.^ f§hfe}Sultan ^of Mafcaraii’'<eulfes^tbJ?thd gasd, 'jhè
Emperor 'dfJava- in jtWe;centre, and the King of Bantam
to the-wesfe; while thescoast and effective* pow et almost
entirely belohg to Holland. Those ,o ther Sohereigrfg~&ve
descended .from foreigners also | being / Arabian^, yvhff
impoited 'sthe Mahometan ti^igion mforjavijs ptdiaij*
quïrëd the dominion of the e&utey; a few Äfibitants
infcthe mountains excepted; whoTff&e preserved tffiir
independence and their faith, ?and among öthér»artiefes/
thaTof the transmigration o f soulsu ■ Afccordin^il» the
Dutch aeéénatsyjnothing can be fnore-tyrannic'than
thosp^Msahdmelsatikruler^ ‘ ■ ■Ti^e.'Bmpef.cfefis fSaijdito maih-
tfinhris'auth®nt^^nn5:ari&y^femaji.y thousand men, ’
dispersed ithfeVghout hi>s>tefrito,rje^^lple a numerous
femaleagfiacnd about hi^jhrsQri. These! j^lita®y, 1-adifS; a-yfe
trained, ifcseems;A® arms;^-ith^t^gfeetmgith^©(^^n«i
plishri'entSf'wh.ich ma^od^iohfeithapgfiitiiS
t io nf> fts qjm easmd ng thtem^R&njie riajig them|^h^0^P#^‘anionsi
instead ^ffekgrtfeWat(ien'da.n'tso®f his I;%perial»Majesty,
This $§Mgufaf- institoti,®n>ma^|^f#si Qr^^toR fchefa-
eilifcy ofnbtainin^^Buit'sfif#ybe -tf
cduuts 'pretend'. thatifhhlfnwnbe^lideniaU bu Lh^t&tgfP-
Vewfi c onsfi derhbLy^ih a fee o fahafg s; in Jay a*.« < e
' Most o f 4>her- slas^sSSrejlmpopted intotyit» froin|@^lhes
and hth&easfeernfeisiands. TheyM@rnabp^i#h4aii^3?pish'
otslfal^anyhboiadl of union. ISTor kfheigfenesia'hl^idarct,
ofrtheir oWatseBSifoward&ithemf^cufetediAitlgfifapate t|^
misfortune- of. being ;the;pro;perty p fio fh i^ ^ i4 ^ ly « r i
not forced, to 4 bxe'esshse i;lab6miv _ Th©;yifhave?;suffieient
sasfcerfahce;dbut manyiof thei males-. auf®iHg^h#m?, who
bad; fdrififerfyrperhaps, fesbari ind#pe(ncp|t>hfe, Mil made
captivesdnvt'heig wars, have .been found fontake;wff;meh
.against their foastte'iis>mpon,\v.eiiyr'slighi©)e|i|ions, an'd^
4fefeak . thefejj^igeawe^oJay' ‘a*assu*|tipKht l^rafepipre-
hension oh such an e veiW is; .among- iidi*v t‘ sy 1 oi py£
ferringyat Batayiayfemal^sla#,5|tfdriewehyfuselit®^hich
they ».can be; applied!;.' tfssllHat the number .phfobasedfef
them much '■.exceeds that1 dfethfin^hen sex .y The slaves-